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Council tree felling...

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I wonder how this fits in with Coun. Bryan Lodge's statements that if the tree felling wasn't completed by the end of 2017, SCC, (you & me the council tax payers), would be hit with financial penalties?


It still doesn't explain why some areas haven't had their scheduled work carried out in previous months?


There are certain people on here that say Brian lodge never said that

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People, some people anyway, want trees close to them. I'm quite lucky to live on a fairly leafy street; I'd be gutted if they were chopped down.


I've plenty trees within 20 yards of my house. Fortunately none were planted in the pavement as the pavement is only 4 ft wide.

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Couldn't agree more, a vote on the issue would resolve it once and for all.


I've lived in Sheffield 35 of my 38 years on this planet, since Amey started this round of tree felling I can't say I've gone down any road/park and though "god where have all the trees gone" that's just my opinion I guess.


If we're a laughing stock it's down to media, possibly courted by some in Sheffield, to use terms like cull, devastation, massacre etc. If any of the journo's got off there at$es and came up to Sheffield I suspect some would wonder what fuss was about.


The above doesn't mean I can't see what a grand balls-up SCC and Amey have made of it all.


If you haven't seen the change in the roads with every tree removed then you're being wilfully blind.

And if you didn't understand the benefits of roadside trees, compared to park trees, then you're being wilfully ignorant.

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Tree felling operation stopped as Momentum get involved. Are councillors worried about deselection by Corbyn's enforcers or is it just a coincidence.


It does make you wonder .Local MPs kept away from it for a long while , then Louise Haigh got involved and now Momentum :suspect:

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There are certain people on here that say Brian lodge never said that


Note that Coun. Lodge is directly quoted as saying it could run into millions. So while no actual figure is quoted, clearly there must be some clause in that contract we're not allowed to see that could trigger financial penalties. Otherwise why say it?









Coun. Lodge speaking on Radio Sheffield, quoted in the news media. How much more proof do people want or clarity as to what Lodge said in 2017?


---------- Post added 02-02-2018 at 22:53 ----------


Note that Coun. Lodge is directly quoted as saying it could run into millions. So while no actual figure is quoted, clearly there must be some clause in that contract we're not allowed to see that could trigger financial penalties. Otherwise why say it?









Coun. Lodge speaking on Radio Sheffield, quoted in the news media. How much more proof do people want or clarity as to what Lodge said in 2017?


Although to be fair a week later, the Yorkshire Post reported:





It appears that Coun. Lodge either doesn't know what's going on or he was deliberately misleading Sheffielders & trying to frightened them by suggesting they would have to fund the financial payments.


I'm surprised we didn't get something along the lines of if the trees don't go, money will habe to come out of front line services.

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It does make you wonder .Local MPs kept away from it for a long while , then Louise Haigh got involved and now Momentum :suspect:


I think Labour MPs are realizing that they need to distance themselves from it, as it's absolutely toxic with voters.


I've heard, and i'm in the category myself, many peple saying they would never vote for a labour council again. Local MPs are probably scared witless about being dragged into the whole sorry mess, that was not of their creation.

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......... that was not of their creation.


Is totally of their responsibility.


They are responsible for accepting and/or changing a system that allows excessive profiteering to go on.


I know for a fact that the current road maintenance is not of a standard that we are paying for.

Some will trot out that it is up to documented requirements.

I don't care.

I know that what is being done collapses within 18 months.

I have watched this go on both before and after PFI.


It is either incompetent or corrupt.


All PFI has the same impact.



Sorry. No trees in there, but ... hey yoo know.

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I think Labour MPs are realizing that they need to distance themselves from it, as it's absolutely toxic with voters.


I've heard, and i'm in the category myself, many peple saying they would never vote for a labour council again. Local MPs are probably scared witless about being dragged into the whole sorry mess, that was not of their creation.


This is very true, lots of people have declared that they will not be voting Labour because of this- people who previously were Labour votors.


They are appalled at having seen elderly protestors manhandled and dragged off by Amey personel, at the council hiring private investigators to film and follow protestors, and, their use of injunctions threatening protestors with jail.


I don't see how what's happened can do anything but badly hurt Labour in the next local elections.

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