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Don Valley Stadium to close?


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Yet another example of a tory government severely punishing a mainly non tory city by starving it of funds.

Tumble weed will be rolling down the streets of Sheffield before long if the tory boys do not get kicked out.


---------- Post added 07-01-2013 at 17:51 ----------


How many of the facilities built for the Olympics in London with OUR MONEY are under threat?


---------- Post added 07-01-2013 at 17:59 ----------


Why should Sheffield have any word class facilities anyhow? Just who do we think we are?....signed....a pretend tory boy.:)

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Yep, will be a very sad day if it goes. Can't imagine Sheffield Half Marathon starting / ending anywhere else. Wonder if this year will be the last time the Sheffield Half starts at DV...


Hope something turns up and it can be saved.

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Many moons ago I went to watch one of the first ever floodlit 20/20 cricket matches down there.


I think it was Yorkshire against the rest of the world and whilst they were expecting/hoping for 10,000 to turn up, the actual attendance from memory was closer to 17,000.


With 20/20 now being such a major player in the cricket world, is there any mileage in trying to get Yorkshire to play some of their games at DVS? I bet they rarely get 17,000 at Headingley and if 1 or 2 games were played at DVS I'm sure the local public would turn out in numbers to support the team.






I went to the Darren Gough testimonial there ... if that's the same game?

Light drizzle but great fun - Sir Viv, the Flower bros., etc.

Didn't get a programme & no scorecard available so can't remember the other players if anyone can help?

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Well if that's the best the council can come up with to save 500k a year god help us.


This has just been done to show they are throwing their toys out of the pram, following the recent letter to the government. There must be hundreds of ways of saving money but yet the only one that manages to get into the press is closing don valley when Olympic legacy is a hot topic? Coincidence - I think not


What a joke of a council we have in charge

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Sums the council up; these amateurs couldn't run a school tuck shop.


They'll have it knocked down and you and I will still be paying for this 'facility' in twenty years.


Clueless muppetry.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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