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State multiculturalism has failed, says David Cameron

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If multiculturalism has failed, how come the UK has the highest rates of inter-racial marriage in Europe?


What an utterly ignorant and stupid thing to say. It is clear from your statement above that you quite literally do not know what you are talking about. 'Inter-racial marriage' is an example of assimilation, not of 'multiculturalism', a concept which you clearly do not understand.

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So jews, sikhs and hindus also annoy you?


And you would demand all Christians in muslim countries join islam?


You picked a bad example really because religion is only one thing and I want people to come together as a whole which obviously isn't happening there.


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I thought I'd share a conversation I had recently with an Asian Muslim friend as it seems relevant; he was telling about when he went to a wedding in Pakistan, he said a lot of his extended family in Pakistan (some he'd never met before) had a preconception that he as a British person (even though a Muslim) would be loud, ignorant and unpolite, so they were rather surprised when he was actually as polite as anybody.


That got me thinking, it must be difficult for some young British Asian Muslims - yes they're British, but they also have their own unique cultural history and heritage too. They will have had a different upbringing from parents whose own parents were probably the first generation to settle. Seen by outsiders by some in their own country, when they visit their ancestral homeland, they're 'outsiders' there too.


Many Muslims have conservative views; about drink, drugs, sex, relationships, abortion, how children should be brought up, the problems in our society etc. Those views coming from Muslims could be perceived as anti-Western, but it's important to remember, those conservative views are probably no more conservative that say a Christian worshipper, or even people of a conservative (not Tory conservative) nature that are secular. I wonder how many White British teenage girls have heard their Dad's thunder 'you're not going out dressed like that', as an example. Anyway, just wanted to share that thought with you :)

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Isn't 100% Muslim, yet!
..and why should it be. They employ the best people to do the job. The only roles that only Muslims can perform are actually at the point of slaughter.

The idea is, it soon will be, Muslims must dominate the meat trade, at least the trade of meat they eat.

..I'm not sure what your grievance is. You're complaining about a group of people producing food for themselves to eat?


It isn't a business driven ideology to dominate the meat trade that is of concern. It is driven by religious ideology.

..so what? You and I are under no obligation to eat it, only Muslims are and that's their business. They might smirk at my predilection for pickled eggs.
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They are doing today what the aborigine's should have done back then and then the country wouldn't have been taken over.


Forgive me, but I thought from your previous post that you were celebrating modern Australia, not being critical of it.

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The majority of British people think multiculturalism makes the country a better place, a BBC poll suggests.




There is another way to define multiculturalism which I would call diversity where people have their own cultural beliefs and they happily coexist - but there is a common thread of Britishness or whatever you want to call it to hold society together.


Multiculturalism basically means that no culture is perfect or represents the best life and that it can therefore benefit from a critical dialogue with other cultures.


In this sense multiculturalism requires that all cultures should be open, self-critical, and interactive in their relations with other each other.

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Is that a good or a bad thing?

Playing the race/fascist card at every point made against mass immigration/multiculturism is a bad thing.

I'm against both but I'm not racist, I like 99% of the population wasn't given the choice.

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