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Some good news at last - Obama is back in front

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The whole issue with Palin is directly connected to McCains age. If he were twenty years younger then Palin's lack of experience wouldn't be controversial to such a degree but one has to face the fact that if McCain were suddenly to become incapacitated or die in office then she would be pitched into the hot seat.


Say it ain't so Joe, Dog -Gonit!:wink:

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On what grounds do you make this claim? Thatcher was a highly intelligent woman (she won a scholarship to Oxford)


in chemistry, a subject she later admitted was totally the wrong thing for her to take, which is why she retrained as a barrister (and in which career, like Blair, she made absolutely no impression). Also, like Blair, at no point in her time at Oxford did she shine academically, or make any impression in student politics - unlike legions of her Ministers in the 80s such as Fowler, Clarke, Gummer, Lamont, et al




no other Tory PM has had less ministerial experience than Thatcher. She won the 1975 leadership election as a total outsider, and knew next to nothing about even economics, never mind foreign affairs at the time she became party leader. Not that any of this mattered, because she had the one capability that Prime Ministers and Presidents need over anything else - executive ability.


Palin is the only one of either Obama, McCain, or Biden that has got any executive experience at all. None of those have ever governed anything.

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Thatcher wouldn't have even appointed someone as stupid as Palin to a junior ministerial post never mind as her deputy, that McCain chose someone so manifestly ill qualified as his VP candidate is yet more evidence of what a cynical politician he has become and the extent to which he's prepared to damage his country in pursuit of personal power.


Palin has more in common with Edwina Currie than Margaret Thatcher.

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Palin is the only one of either Obama, McCain, or Biden that has got any executive experience at all. None of those have ever governed anything.


Executive experience counts for little, if you don't have a good interest and grasp on National and International issues.

Any executive experience she may have gained is more than cancelled out by her lack of understanding or interests in issues outside the state of Alaska.

Palin is very much a local politician, who's aspirations to transfer to the national and international stage are a joke.

Let's not forget that Palin is governor of a state that has a population the size of under 700,000 that's only two thirds that of Birminham.

And now she thinks she's qualified to govern a population of 300,000,000 because she has some "executive" experience!


Palin's latest attack on Obama trying to paint him as a person in league with terrorists, based merely on an article she read in the New York times just goes to show she is not fit to run for high office.:suspect:


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Executive experience counts for little, if you don't have a good interest and grasp on National and International issues.

Any executive experience she may have gain is more than cancelled out by her lack of understanding or interests in issues outside the state of Alaska.

Palin is very much a local politician, who's aspirations to transfer to the national and international stage are a joke.

Let's not forget that Palin is governor of a state that has a population the size of under 700,000 that's only two thirds that of Birminham.

And now she thinks she's qualified to govern a population of 300,000,000 because she has some "executive" experience!


Palin's latest attack on Obama trying to paint him as a person in league with terrorists, based merely on an article she read in the New York times just goes to show she is not fit to run for high office.:suspect:


Please tell me how you know what newspapers she's read ? Also Barack Hussein Obama has been very friendly with Bill Ayers for years, the relationship only died down in 2005 (supposedly) , so stop your silly guessing game, Oh! also had to cut ties with his pastor that he listened to his preachings for over 20 years yet didn't hear a word he said :hihi:

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Please tell me how you know what newspapers she's read ? Also Barack Hussein Obama has been very friendly with Bill Ayers for years, the relationship only died down in 2005 (supposedly) , so stop your silly guessing game, Oh! also had to cut ties with his pastor that he listened to his preachings for over 20 years yet didn't hear a word he said :hihi:


Errr pehaps because on TV last night Palin said she read the article in the New York Times!:loopy::loopy:


See for yourself from her own lips!:suspect:


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Please tell me how you know what newspapers she's read ? Also Barack Hussein Obama has been very friendly with Bill Ayers for years, the relationship only died down in 2005 (supposedly) , so stop your silly guessing game, Oh! also had to cut ties with his pastor that he listened to his preachings for over 20 years yet didn't hear a word he said :hihi:


Where as McCain's public relationship with G. Gordon Liddy who in his part in the Watergate scandal was involved in political corruption, plotting murder, working with gangsters and actively involved in subverting US democracy and the Constitution. Some patriot. Obama's relationship with Ayers is dubious to say the least. McCain's relationship with Liddy is well documented.


In comparison I would say Obama has the better record on patriotic honest associates.



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