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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I believe if they had to put a government together they would do it. what does government do? Meet every so often to decide what policies they want to push through parliament. The problem would be trying to implement them. Then there is ministerial offices. I bet they do most of the work and research for all political parties who are in power at the time.
  2. I did not think for one moment that the Government would reach their target. I believe that we need a government who can stand up to the EU or better still bring us out of it. Cameron says he wants reforms, but what are these reforms? I am voting for UKIP. I really feel this country is in a mess.
  3. I moved to Newcastle about 9 months ago. I lived at Grenoside for 19 years and I do miss the area. I think Sheffield is a very green city and I did not realise this until I moved. There is a lot of fine people who live in Sheffield. However I had to live in my late mum's house on the Parson Cross estate after she died for a year. I think it was one of the worst parts of Parson Cross, the antisocial behaviour was terrible. There was a programme on television about policing Sheffield and it showed you Parson Cross and the antisocial behaviour that the police had to deal with. I certainly do not miss that area where I lived. In the programme the commentator said Parson Cross is a predominately white area, I'm not to sure about that when I last looked around the area.
  4. I think she had a daughter, who is a few years younger than Ben.
  5. yes I agree with you, that was all they were doing. It is absolutely disgraceful trashing shops. I would imagine that the shops would claim on their insurance and I suppose if this kind of protest continues could it put the price of food up?
  6. There was protesters outside Markes and Spencers in Newcastle. One man was trying to tell people not to shop at M&S as they give millions of pounds to Israeil. I just looked at them in disgust and walked into M&S. They all looked like middle aged hippies. They certainly will not stop me buying things from Israeil
  7. yes I second that. I will vote for anyone who will bring us out of the EU and stops immigration.
  8. Yes you are right. I never thought about all the different tribes. Still you think they would try to unite for the common good.
  9. why don't these people stand up to these extremists. This country made a stand against Hitler during the second world war.
  10. I certainly agree with that one. We have democracy every five years or less.
  11. When I use to visit a friend on Cookson Road her neighbour who had no children was given a very large trampoline. She use to encourage all the estate children in to play on it. It could go on from early morning until late at night. Some nights the adults would be drinking and they use to go on the trampoline. One night it went on until 1'0 Clock in the morning. My friend phoned the police in the end. I think in the end she use to pray for bad weather. However I think this was just an isolated case. Well I hope it was.
  12. My 80 year old mother went into Hadfield 4 for bedrest 3 years ago. She had 2 falls on that ward which killed her. I had to spend a full day at the coroner's office. The consultant, matron, sister and nurses who were on duty also had to attend the coroner's court. I still say to this day that there was something very wrong with one of the nurses who was on duty when my mum had these falls, and it will haunt me for the rest of my life.
  13. I loved the Four Tops, I thought they were brilliant at the Fiesta, Oh the good old days.
  14. I wonder how many of these pensioners were in the second world war. They certainly were not in a privileged position then. If it was not for some of these pensioner students probably would not be here today.
  15. Yes it once was a proud city. Not anymore. Did you see the programme Police Under Pressure. It is no good dwelling on the past we need to look to the future to try and solve some of these problems. Perhaps we need to get advice from the Leeds council.
  16. I have just moved from Sheffield to Newcastle. I feel they have got the concession passes right here. Pensioners are allowed to use their passes in line with the rest of the country after 9.30 am in the week and all day at weekends. However if they have an early morning hospital appointment and they show the letter to the bus driver they can travel in the week before 9.30 without having to pay. Disabled concession passes are the same as pensioners if they are not working. If they do have a job they have to apply to the council for a pass to let them travel before 9.30 am. I think the council have got it right here.
  17. yes I agree with what you are saying. I always though the old Castle Market was the central hub in the 80's.
  18. I don't think she was hated by everybody. How I wish she was here today
  19. I would definitely send them back. Look at all of those refugees in France where they have just destroyed their camps, trying to get into this country. Where is it all going to end. I suppose when the country finally starts to sink we can all say yes we are now full up. Too may do-gooders in this country. She has passed through all of those other countries. Another one for the tax payer to keep.
  20. I second that. Just moved to Newcastle upon Tyne. I have not found a decent fish and chip shop here. How I miss the Riverside fish and chips. The chips, fish and fish cakes were lovely. Also the price was really good. I have not found any fish and chip shop here as cheap as the Riverside or as nice. I don't think I will.
  21. Yes I agree with what you are saying about his posts.
  22. What is that old saying, There will always be an England. God help us all the way things are going.
  23. I do not believe the figures. I fully expected the figures to be conveniently low. Government will do its best to discredit UkIP. However I believe everthing UKIP are saying to be true. VOTE UKIP
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