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Everything posted by denlin

  1. Thanks, the only thing they got was tyre compressor and a cheap pair of binoculars so it could have been a lot worse. The main thing was the caravan keys which were no good to anyone as our caravan is permanently sited outside Yorkshire
  2. Thank you. My faith in the great British public and the police has been restored. Most of the stuff was found in two of my neighbours gardens and the keys were found on the gennel and handed in to Ecclesfield police by a complete stranger.
  3. I would appreciate it if anyone finds them to hand them in to Colley Road Post office. I have put a notice in the window
  4. Contrary to the people who have never had a Peugeot say they are the best car on the road and Pug parts in Rotherham is your best bet for spares
  5. If anyone in Parson Cross area has found two sets of keys one of which has a Yorkshire Rose fob on it please let me know. They are of no use to anyone as they belong to our caravan which is not even in Yorkshire. They were stolen from our car last night among other things by some thieving toe-rag.
  6. If a staffy is running loose it is up to your neighbour to take steps to stop this. Ring the dog warden next time it's out. It is not up to you to keep your neighbours dog fenced in.
  7. There was one yesterday because it was still there when we came back from Oldcotes so I would think it started later.
  8. Bet it's a right dive means you haven't seen it. Kilner way is OK and I've had no trouble crossing road. The Moor is a joke. ---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 09:53 ---------- M & S is rubbish. You can get equally good food a lot cheaper in Iceland
  9. When was last time you were there? The Deep is a great attraction and down by the harbour is the best little museum I have ever been in. So unless you are travelling in different circles to me then I think you are the one talking rubbish.
  10. You mean it's unsupported rumour. Send three and fourpence we're going to a dance
  11. Well I've been to Hull for the weekend fairly recently and I found it a nice place. Perhaps you've not been for a while
  12. I hope that we are not going to tarnish Joes memory Zakes with uncalled for comments. The turnout was amazing for a lovely bloke and the ceremony fitting for a much loved friend.
  13. Not all cars are coded but if yours is and you haven't got the code then you will need to find someone who does diagnostics to get the code. Main dealers will be expensive and you will need to take all your documentation with you
  14. Ecclesfield Car and Commercial. Station Road at side of Ecclesfield police station, know it's a bit far out but they are good
  15. We all loved Joe, Nicky and the forum will not be the same.
  16. Joe brought so much joy to all his friends on here, SF will not be the same without him
  17. Try pulling it ---------- Post added 27-08-2015 at 06:53 ---------- How long have you lived on Parsons Cross?
  18. He wasn't saying they weren't Jeffrey. The one he had booked online was obviously not out of action but there was no mention of the noise disruption online to the ones that were in use. Try and keep up dear LOL
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