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Everything posted by nightrider

  1. Exactly. After going in there to buy coffee and scones after a walk and listening to his rant about how hikers are cheapskates who never spend any money I won't be going back - the final straw was when after having the coffee I asked if they have a toilet I was told "yes, but its for staff only" - how ridiculous is that? I also know someone who was threatened by an owner of a cafe in Castelton for wanting to buy only one scone (I don't know if its the same cafe though) instead of two.
  2. but I really wonder if it affects that many people - only the minority who bought in the circumstances I mentioned. Most homeowners I know bought at prices below todays levels, so can easily absorb any price falls without going into -ve equity. I would be surprised it the majority of homeowners had bough at a recent price peak or in the years afterwards.
  3. unfortunately a lot of experts are saying this is exactly what will happen with schemes like help to buy. ---------- Post added 14-06-2013 at 10:56 ---------- why is everyone going to get into -ve equity? Surely only those who bought at the top of the market (or during a falling market) with little deposit would have this issue. Of course negative equity does not matter if you intend to live in it for the long term, unless you were using the house as an investment - in which case you took a gamble and lost.
  4. This is just brushing the problem under the carpet - do you think dangerous dogs only attack postmen? Clearly the real solution is to prosecute the owners of these dogs and put the dog down if it cannot be retrained.
  5. the missiles are for use against the UK/US if we try to impose regime change via no fly zones again aren't they? The Russians have made no secret of the fact they don't like western style intervention. ---------- Post added 30-05-2013 at 08:28 ---------- It is racist if you think the reason they steal more (if its true - I have no idea) is because they are black, rather than perhaps say something to do with the fact many of them are recent immigrants and therefore more likely to be in poverty. I am sure if it was the other way around with european whites emigrating en masse from poor European countries to rich African countries we would find white people in Africa responsible for more crime than black people. Correlation is not causation...
  6. Best bet is to avoid estate agents - they are parasites on productive people IMO, taking money without doing an awful lot in return. Its not so hard to find decent rental property without an estate agent nowadays - lots of people seem to advertise on here and I know e.g. the University has its own internal service for staff and students, which allows them to avoid estate agents. Perhaps other companies do too. Also you can try asking the people in charge of your course if they know any people with properties - a lot of my friends rent out their houses via finding links informally (but no I don't know of anyone looking right now to fill a property) through work or social circles, because as landlords they also don't see that estate agents add any value and just take money.
  7. I have to go to some very expensive cities on business - still I've never even come close to paying £39 for breakfast. I cannot see how this would happen, unless I stayed in a 5 star hotel (which is not appropriate on a business trip IMO).
  8. Maybe the seller could just tax it anyway - given the situation, sounds unlikely they are going to find a buyer for an untaxed car that cannot be driven home. Certainly for me that would be a show stopper and I'd just look for another similar car that was road legal.
  9. the police will probably also laugh at the driver if he calls the police - so next time the driver tries to pull this stunt, just state you will pay him when he does have change and go and sit down. If he still does not have change when you get off, state the company is welcome to send you a bill in the post if they do not have appropriate facilities to process payments on the bus. The bus companies will soon learn that maybe if they have the ability to give change more people will pay up.
  10. Most other business also seem to be able to cope with ten pound notes, so I don't understand why this is an issue.
  11. Thats very likely to be illegal - if you have been there 6 years on more than one fixed term contract, they are obliged to give you a permanent contract unless they have an "objective reason" not to. Its been tested in tribunals that research funding possibly not coming in in the future is not an objective reason.
  12. The reason banks won't lend to such FTB is they are very high risk of not paying the loan back, coupled with the likelihood the house will fall in value in many areas of the country - so its hardly a sensible idea for the government to then step in and lend them money! Reckless lending caused the huge financial crisis - so why is the government encouraging more of it?
  13. Many people I know have had the famous "Nirmals experience" - she suggests you really, really ought to try this or that side dish to the point where you give in and assume its some sort of freebie given you did not really want to order it, but she insists - then you can see the disagreements start when customers get the bill and find they have been charged for something they did not actually want in the first place, but were strongarmed into having! ---------- Post added 28-02-2013 at 12:22 ---------- Rajput in Commonside is outstanding.
  14. Unions are a good thing (I belong to one), but its also true a lot of them (including mine) do have extremists from the left wing involved who have their own agenda and are quite influential on policy.
  15. So am I....but I am never sure whether its because they just send out blanket emails to thousands of people, especially given some of these jobs are areas I don't have direct experience in (so I doubt I am competitive against someone who does have experience in that area) - so either they are desperate to find someone and are looking outside the usual areas of experience, or they blanket contact thousands of people.
  16. No, but sadly a lot of vocal people think you should be. Its not something the state needs to be involved in really.
  17. yes if they were so rich they did not have to go out to work 8+ hours a day.
  18. Even worse with having only one - it means one tyre has much better grip than the one on the other side. Presumably they fitted it themselves because I am surprised a garage would agree to do fit only 1 winter tyre?
  19. internships (for very long periods of time) already are illegal, its just not much is done on the enforcement side. They are supposed to pay minimum wage. Not sure I have much sympathy for Cait though - from what I recall she applied for many "higher powered' jobs and was not getting them and refused to apply for jobs she was more likely to get. In that situation it seems reasonable to force her to work (though not for free - she should have been paid at least the minimum wage, because I don't see why Tesco/Poundland etc should get free labour)
  20. From what I read they are following the law and have no choice. They had to cap the rental benefit they gave them. Those people then became homeless and the council was obliged to house them in their district (which apparently is full of very expensive hotels). Usual problem of politicians bringing in new ideas, but not having critical thinking or planing skills to avoid unintended consequences. ---------- Post added 09-02-2013 at 15:54 ---------- There is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Somalia_(2009–present) ---------- Post added 09-02-2013 at 15:58 ---------- not just them - there are constant stories in the press about homeowner NIMBYS campaigning to prevent houses being built for the current generation. Politicians don't seem able or willing to take these people on. Although building more houses is not the whole solution, it would certainly help the situation.
  21. The pink car obviously was not turning off from the way it was driving - its the black cars fault if they assumed someone indicating means they are suddenly going to do a high speed hand brake turn to the left off the road....
  22. Lots of details on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_socialism#Economics and its not as straight forward right/left as many would try to say nowadays - there's a reason the party was called National Socialism and usually socialism is considered a left-wing idea. I always think of them of a mix of ideas from both the left and the right.
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