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Everything posted by nightrider

  1. Well we can't afford the NHS as it is, so anything that helps make people healthier and hence needing less intervention, is potentially a good investment for the future.
  2. I think its the mileage allowance for driving his car 100 yards.... ---------- Post added 09-10-2013 at 16:09 ---------- in the picture of the claim from in the article it does not look like thats what he does. There is a claim for a total of 24 pence, so its not just lumped in with a load of stuff on a trip - he actually claimed for a 24 pence trip.
  3. Its evidence based (read cyclones post) that he is right, and if the majority think otherwise then yes they are indeed wrong.
  4. It would help though if a supposedly fiscally responsible party was not coming up with policies many expect to send house prices out of control.
  5. Most UK news publications use these kind of tricks. Don't believe what they tell you! ---------- Post added 30-09-2013 at 16:44 ---------- Obviously youtube is not reliable, anyone can post on it. That does not mean newspapers are not also hoodwinking you to push certain opinions on the public. Though in this case the DM is probably just being lazy to make the story look good (rather than lying about what happened), because they needed a photo and did not have one.
  6. I know from what I have read Hitler did not like these policies, but he had to have these policies to get socialist politicians on board. So the policies did reflect the politicians beliefs. I am not sure these politicians could have been so naive they did not know just who they were playing with.
  7. I'm not sure Stalin is known for being far right?! He's more famous as a communist dictator. The Nazis had a mix of policies from right and left, so its probably overly simplistic to call them far right.
  8. sounds great - when will these 10 year sentences also be handed to MPs who commit expenses fraud? ---------- Post added 16-09-2013 at 10:53 ---------- not for 10 years, less than 1 year in all cases I think? Many others were not prosecuted.
  9. That might be the case. Its a hell of a coincidence though that for so many MPs a close family member just happened to be the best candidate. Fancy that?
  10. the solution is to provide each mp with a staffed office. Then the MP would not be involved in employing anyone, and would prevent this corruption.
  11. 5 or 6. I also have many friends who will say the same story with different sets of landlords, to the ones I have dealt with, they have experienced.
  12. If the landlord actually has the deposit he has broken the law. Deposits must be held by a third party deposit scheme. So unless that was the case and they awarded the landlord the full deposit to cover any costs, I doubt he has a leg to stand on if you take him to the small claims court. ---------- Post added 09-09-2013 at 10:21 ---------- Perhaps - but in my experience most landlords are appalling. Good ones are like gold dust. They won't pay to maintain the property properly, drag their feet on any urgent repairs needed and try to steal the deposit at the end of the tenancy (thankfully changes in the law make the latter pretty much impossible nowadays if they are challenged on it).
  13. I used to think he was good, now I am dubious having read many allegations from fellow journalists that he makes a lot of his reporting up to support his viewpoint.
  14. I doubt they would be dumb enough to do that - I am sure they are well aware not long after our submarines will launch an all out nuclear strike in retaliation.
  15. though they would do that - once when I was burgled and said I had not seen the burglar I was asked if I was really sure I had not see someone who looked like a certain description, because he "was sure he did it because we know he commits lots of crime in the area". I still said truthfully I had not see the person who did it.
  16. I would be interested to know how often it happens to non-criminals. Often (not always) the people who are the victims of this have a long list of previous convictions, rather than a person who has not caused trouble in the past.
  17. its far from obvious a missile strike would help the syrian people, because the consequences are very ill defined.
  18. If you subscribe to the petro dollar theory the real question is of course how many middle eastern countries has it invaded or interfered in during the last 20 years and what were they up to pre-invasion? The classic example adherents quote is that Iraq switched to selling oil in euros. Post-invasion that has been reversed back to the dollar.
  19. This is a good point - modern weapons used in war kill people in horrific ways and cause terrible injuries. So why is using chemical weapons any worse than killing civilians with other weapons? None of its good. ---------- Post added 25-08-2013 at 18:13 ---------- Syria is one of the countries that wants to abandon the petro dollar system. Some people believe this is to do with who the US invades.
  20. I'm not sure - I know lots of people who are not homeless, yet they are unable to buy houses due to high prices. Clearly in these cases the problem is not lack of housing because they live in one, but the problem is prices have been pushed too high for an ordinary person. So they are forced to rent from someone who can afford to buy the house. I also believe high prices are caused partially by credit being too loose - e.g. the new help to but scheme is effectively allowing people who can't afford to house to get one, with the taxpayer shouldering some of the risk. If people could not afford it AND no-one else would step in to buy a particular house at that price then the prices should drop at some point - schemes like help to buy work to keep the price high or even increase it (many seem to be predicting HTB will cause the price bubble to inflate even more in london) because then that individual suddenly can afford the high price.
  21. why would drug smugglers go to all that trouble, when most people are willing to do it for rather modest (in relation to the profits the cartels make) fees? The whole story sounds implausible to me (and the peruvian police have said as much - that cartels don't need to go to all this trouble, because they just pay desperate people money to do it) Do you really think peruvian cartels hire hitmen to kill random people in the UK? If they did it would bring a lot of unwanted attention from the UK police.
  22. I'm pretty sure buying land, not using it and trickling it onto the market for house building counts as creating an artificial shortage
  23. I don't think thats true - a significant fraction of the population are in London and the SE, and I don't believe its possible for someone on an average wage to buy a house even in a crappy area. It might well be possible in Sheffield, but then prices are very cheap here relative to other parts of the country. ---------- Post added 19-08-2013 at 10:24 ---------- is the price of a house really just reflecting the raw material costs? Or are there other things that are pushing prices up (e.g. land prices)?
  24. Going on some of my friends experience of estate agents thats quite an assumption the EA actually did much to help in the way of work!
  25. if they won't pass the offer on, can you not just go round to the house and present your offer directly to the owners (and explain the estate agents are being difficult)?
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