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About Ghozer

  • Birthday 13/07/1982

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    I live, Alone...
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    Music/Djing, Computers, Gaming, Movies... Too much to list to be honest...

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  1. you mean like they have been (in Sheff) for however many decades?
  2. They can also apply for a Disabled Parking bay directly outside their house/drive....
  3. while not technically illegal, it is in the highway code, that it's illegal to drive on the pavement - and parking on the pavement often requires driving on it, so either record them parking up, or setting off (so you have evidence of them 'driving on the pavement') then report them for that, instead of parking...
  4. There's a crossing less than 100 meters away..... and also relatively close to a few others (such as Riverside)
  5. Reform have said all along, "we know we can't win, we know we don't have enough candidates" etc, but they want to make a dent and be there to represent!
  6. ok, which part of startup... .Talk me through it.. You press the power button.... lights and fans etc come on - is it at this point you wait? OR.... it continues to windows logo, then it's at THIS point you wait.....
  7. Is it on startup? (press power, then wait X time) or actually During boot (with Windows logo on screen) and/or just generally while using it?
  8. Glad you got sorted My reply above required no downloading and should have worked without an issue (and is likely what the shop did any ways)
  9. Live not too far away, and I'm sure I heard this, I thought "That sounded like an explosion, I wonder if someone's nicked and burnt a car or something" - now I know what it was
  10. Turn on your PC, wait till the loading circle is displayed, then turn it off again... do this a couple of times, until it says "Repairing your computer" or something similar... Once you're onto the screen with "Continue to Windows" or "Advanced options" etc - choose the Advanced, then reset/restore this PC - you should be able to do it from there... it 'should' allow you to perform a FULL reset - but make sure you have got a copy of anything you need to keep first, as said above!
  11. That's basically saying the account you are using is not an administrator account, Does anyone else have access to the PC, maybe as an administrator account?
  12. Not the correct forum to have posted this in, but I believe you can access from the rear via Norfolk Street! You could phone the landlord/agency and ask though, but didn't you look at the place, and ask this question at the time?
  13. The 2070 is already a midrange, if you struggle with Cyberpunk i'd suggest using DLSS the 2070 should be more than good for a 1080p card! But also, you have to take into consideration the rest of the system, I mean, there's no point sticking a 3080 or something in an i3 or Ryzen 3 etc
  14. Drop me a PM, if you are in S3 (as your name suggests) I could pop round and take a look
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