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Everything posted by sahill

  1. Chives, parsley and corriander will all grow in pots in shade. Check out the link https://www.rhs.org.uk/plants/articles/misc/herbs-for-shade
  2. Hi We're looking to move to Sheffield (west - ish ) and don't know the area at all. Looking to buy a 4 bed house (approx 300-400k) with off road parking and outdoor space for the children. Main priority is good primary and secondary schools and a family friendly area. Would be nice to have a park or space nearby within walking distance for the children. I would be most grateful for your time on any tips. I keep checking right move, but not knowing the area makes it hard. Thank you very much in advance. S
  3. Horsfields nursery at Pot House Hamlet in Silkstone grow their own pot grown Christmas trees. They are just up the M1. When I was last their I saw some 6ft ones which they sell as shrubs all year round.
  4. As you have a car just up the M1 - Horsfields Nursery, Pot House Hamlet, exit 37. They grown their own so are really fresh, they have all sizes and pot grown ones too. Check out some other sites below. http://www.christmastreesbarnsley.co.uk christmastreessouthyorkshire.co.uk 
  5. I'm sure you're set up by now, but Horsfields Nursery, Pot House Hamlet grow their own and you can choose from their fields all year round. http://www.christmastreesbarnsley.co.uk
  6. Horsfields Nursery have a summer sale with 50% off their roses at the mo.
  7. Sally Cunis is fab, she had done lots of my friends gardens. - http://www.sallycunisgardendesign.co.uk/ She was a surveyor orginally before going to garden design etc many years ago, reasonable in price too.
  8. Thompson and morgan bought chempack a while ago, so its quite expensive now, and not local. I have gone to using Vitax which i find to be a really good brand.
  9. A Large hazel twig branch with natural cones and bits from the garden hanging on it above the table, it looks really good
  10. Wayne Salter from Barnsley - he would travel to Sheffield, I used him years ago, very nice man and think his son works with him too. Cannot find his number though! but just google him.
  11. Very windy in Barnsley town centre, not many people around, people putting bins on the side which seems to stop them moving too much in the wind
  12. We have bought a little one which is pot grown for the dinning room, and we can plant it in the garden, or put it in a bigger pot to grow on for next year. We got it from Horsfields in Silkstone which is just off the M1, really nice place, it was only £5.99 too!
  13. Bulb fibre contains charcoal which helps rot off.
  14. £4.90 good price, I bought one in a nursery the other day an it was £5.50
  15. Yes I was at horsfields Nursery in Silkstone at Pot House Hamlet the other day they have golden and green, lots of them and in different sizes. Laurel makes a lovely evergreen hedge too
  16. We get ours from Horsfields Nursery, at Pot House Hamlet in Silkstone. They grow their own and if you are early enough will let you up into their fields to pick your own and they will chop it for you, otherwise they chop loads and have them to choose outside their nursery shop. They have never dropped any needles as they are chopped fresh. I guess some trees on the market have been chopped for weeks in advance as before I started getting my trees from here we have tried lots of places and they all went crispy by Christmas! They have different types and sizes etc, from 1ft to really huge and I mean huge!! way bigger than my house
  17. Well from my experience 'gardeners' are typically around £10/£12 but these people are not qualified and can only do maintance. If you need professional advice its usually landscape gardeners which are around £20/£25 an hour or more, but i have paid for it as you only need an hour or two , write down their advise and you can tell the 'gardener' what to do as they are cheaper. There is a landscape gardener based in Hoylandswaine called Sally Cunis, Blacker Hall, she has been fab to use, she could answer everything I asked, she has also been on the sunday morning gardening slot on radio sheff
  18. Depending on what type your roses are but i'm guessing hybrid teas or floribunda pruing is usually done between nov to feb as they flower on new seasons growth, I take them back to the second or 3rd bud, so quite low, then I feed mine in march with vitax q4 and again in summer and they have been doing really well. Graham Thomas is one of my fave's
  19. Jeyes fluid is alright but you have to use it in a stong concentration for it to work. A product a use is called Algone which is organic and really works, it was a chap that clean tennis courts for his business that recommended it to my many years ago.
  20. If they are newly planted they would need plenty of water, like most hardy stock in the garden it needs some feed so I usually feed mine twice a year with vitax q4 which is a slow release fertilizer, very good. around march and then again in mid summer
  21. this year I've not bothered with buzy lizzie, i think from reading up on it the strain has been infected with downy mildew and it will take a few years to get the seeds right again, i've gone big on geraniums, nemesia and non stop begonia and bedding begonia for a change which have all been fantasic
  22. Horsfields always grown lots of these, I bought some variety beefmaster which is an f1 and has been very good, they are still cropping in the greenhouse however this cold will probably now just finish them off. Tigrella is a good smaller beefsteak tomato with stripes on, I got some of these from Horsfields and they are very tasty, they look good in salads for their colour difference too, especially if you're having friends round for tea
  23. Buddleia grows anywhere, it especially likes lime ie in the cement. There was programme on the bbc about weeds and it did a large interesting section about buddleia!
  24. Horsfields Nursery at Pot House Hamlet have these, I bought some. They are yummy, but they can take over a bit so watch where you plant them.
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