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The Manager

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Everything posted by The Manager

  1. Do know who really comes up with the ideas at Swfc but agree it is to save face and get fans back on there side !! Chansiri really needs some Swfc fans as part of his Advice team
  2. Would love to try it and give it a go, Where do you get the Big Magnets from
  3. Ever fancy a friendly on sun morning let us know - we a friendly Adults team , Mixed ages , just enjoying playing
  4. got to give Utd credit -top result today
  5. Would not shock me if this happened , time fans made a stand
  6. Spot on post and many owls fans agree with you
  7. Good game for Young lads to play in , Result deserved but as said poor game to pay to watch
  8. Blackpool boss gone after one game - Crazy world of football
  9. Deffo a mess at swfc at min and cant see it getting better
  10. Shocking - basics trying to bribe fans to pay for "ifollow" what about the old ones who cant get to games and listen to radio . Chansiri is scoring a OG on a number of things shirt prices,ticket prices, membership, and Radio - He cant moan if fans vote with there feet soon and not go to games !!!
  11. A few 11aside adults teams on Friendlys Circuit now playing for fun /Fitness most sundays mornings . 11am ko why not set one up ? plenty of games and I can pass details on of other teams if wanted. no hassle of league Play games as and when you want etc ,
  12. not been to town for a while but Homeless and those spaced out (Drugs) was shocking to see , also a lot of down and outs about im sure a lot know what I mean , safe to say wont be a long while before I go again if need too
  13. stupid idea again by council , sure most would like a green bin for garden waste perhaps
  14. is very odd with Staff leaving , seems Chansiri is very hard to work for from what im hearing
  15. We are a Adults Friendly team Wanting a few more players All outfield positions considered - So if you enjoy playing 11 aside , want to get abit fitter and back for a pint after games - msg us , During season we be playing a number of Teams and Also charity games , plus training ,
  16. David Judge think that's his names deals with council pitchs
  17. Thought Its was flats , same person that did the old dial house site
  18. This sat at Hillsborough arena 11-6 its charity football event bouncy castles , bar/snackbar charity football matchs at 11.30 ko , 1.15 ko With main match Terry Currans Blues V Mark Wards Reds - x-pros/boxers/tv and fans playing . £2 entry All in aid of Royal British Legion (Stannington) and Hillsborough Army Cadets.
  19. in this day and age it cant be hard to at least have a tvs in day rooms , As for Care in NG The staff work there butts off and are short staffed on wards at times , nothing but respect for everyone of them
  20. ff I can understand if he went , I cant see Bannan going
  21. I feel the same tbf , really crazy I understand it was a 17yr old that was shot
  22. Just seeing that there's been another shooting tonight , It seems to be getting crazy now , Not sure if its all about Gangs/Drugs or unrelated to all others , But when will it end stay safe People !
  23. get out of group and then get knocked out -Think that's most England can hope for tbf
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