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Everything posted by Minimo

  1. So a person who reads Archer books is not worth knowing? If that`s what someone thinks then sorry but that person is not someone I would want to know. I have a friend whose reading preferences I don`t share. It doesn`t make a haporth of difference, we can find plenty of other things to agree about.
  2. Oh dear Swan Vesta are you another one who thinks anyone who reads Jeffrey Archer rather than Heller`s Catch 22 is to be looked down on? I have read and enjoyed some of Archer`s books alongside many other authors of a wide range of genres. I currently have three books on the go, one for bedtime reading,one as I prepare and eat my tea, and one paperback which I carry with me when I go out (ideal for passing time while queuing in supermarket, bank or at bus stop)
  3. I would think you need to consider where your interests lie, people old or young, home or overseas, animals, medical research. Also whether you are thinking purely financial aid, or something more hands on
  4. British Legion Tiggywinkles Ad hoc when I come across something that tugs at my heartstrings
  5. It`s going to take an awful lot of effort by a lot of people to turn round the society we have now.My solutions would be, in no particular order 1 Stop encouraging young girls to have babies out of wedlock, no council house and benefits 2 Harsh penalties for violent crime especially when a weapon is used 3 Give youngsters hope for a decent future by giving them an education that will lead to a reasonable job 4 No work no benefits for those fit to work 5 Prisoners have to earn anything beyond the most basic accommodation and food 6 Minimum wage must be increased to a level at which people can support themselves That`ll do for starters
  6. Heard a couple of rumbles just before 5pm. Whatever happened to the crackers we used to get? Don`t tell me - climate change
  7. It`s not fair, I`m only next door in S4 and I can`t hear it. Is there lightning as well?
  8. There are other alternatives. It is precisely because too many people only think in terns of Labour and Tory that nothing ever really changes. (and I don`t mean Lib Dem either, they are a waste of space)
  9. He is much better as a solo presenter. The likes of Kate Humble bring out the worst in him, making him act like a silly schoolboy. Alone he is knowledgable with a hint of humour thrown in
  10. If a ghost is the spirit of a dead person there would be billions of them (think how many people have lived and died since whenever) As only a minute percentage of people claim to have seen a ghost it doesn`t seem to add up. If there are so many ghosts surely far more people would be encountering them. I am sure the believers will have a `logical` explanation. I`ve had a couple of strange experiences but don`t attribute them to the supernatural.
  11. I went to Grange in 1958 for 3 months (moved to Bakewell) and again from 1960 to 1963 I recognise most of the names. Didn`t Miss Ward`s father marry another teacher so she ended up with a stepmother much younger than herself? Miss Fyfe had short red hair and was always immaculately made up. Was there a Miss Warrilow, I thought she took French, but memory could be letting me down. I do remember on my last day turning at the bottom of the drive and throwing my beret back toward the school
  12. All governments seem to be in the pockets of multi national corporations and/or media moguls. There is no democracy only plutocracy. Vote for anyone you like and it won`t make any difference. The only solution I can come up with is to end party politics, make all candidates independent and cap the amount spent on canvassing.
  13. The one truth is that everyone`s experience is different, with or without Champix. I stopped when I had a really bad bout of bronchitis, I couldn`t breathe let alone smoke. I am profoundly grateful that it has been so easy for me (sorry , don`t mean to gloat) I smoked for 47 years, and yes I do still want a cigarette but it its not a strong craving. In any case there are none in the house and I live a long way from shops and have no transport so I just tell myself Tough get over it. Now can anyone tell me how to get over my addiction to chocolate?
  14. If you see something that makes you uncomfortable, or you don`t like - look the other way if you can Someone mentioned spitting, that`s one of my pet hates too. I was waiting for a bus on Arundel Gate when a man near me repeatedly spat over and over again, my stomach was churning. I couldn`t not look because he was in my line of sight as I was watching for my bus arriving
  15. In the last few weeks I have been bombarded with scam emails. I haven`t replied to any of them but they still keep coming. The question is why me, why now? I very rarely buy online, when I do its only big sites like Amazon. The one transaction made just before the flood started was to buy a few premium bonds. Was this a coincidence? It makes me wonder.
  16. Many times the point is raised that animals are put down if suffering becomes too much but not people. Is this because of religion (people have souls?) Well I`m an atheist and I am not interested in superstitious beliefs about heaven etc. I do not want to be kept alive if I`m incapacitated. I carry my living will with me all the time but I can`t be sure doctors will accept my wishes. If I was diagnosed with a terminal illness I would quietly go off and make my own decisions about the rest of my life.
  17. My sister and I were at my uncle`s funeral mass when we got an uncontrollable fit of giggles. We had never been to a catholic service and it was the enthusiastic shaking of the incense thingy(?) that set us off. Luckily it was a very big church and we were over to one side away from most people. Nobody said anything but I still feel awful about it, but we meant no disrespect to my uncle or the family.
  18. My tax is deducted from my pension, will I get it automatically or will I have to claim?
  19. Sheffield Homes sent out packets of sunflower seeds, maybe thats where they came from. I`ve still got mine as I didn`t have anywhere to plant them. Has anyone also noticed areas of land covered with wild flowers. There`s one just past Gower St and its beautiful, full of poppies cornflowers and loads of yellow flowers.
  20. I bought my council flat for cash, using my voluntary redundancy payment about 10 years ago. I got the maximum discount because I had been a tenant for over 20 years. I know some will condemn me but I am still in the same flat and have no intention of moving. It was the best thing for me because I have saved a fortune in rent, and now I am an OAP that is a big financial help especially now.
  21. Contact your Tenants and Residents Association, local councillor or MP, write to the Star, be a `nuisance` to the Housing people. Don`t give up, you are entitled to a home fit to live in.
  22. Neither teachers nor children should have mobiles in the classroom. Nobody had them a few years ago and we all coped just fine. In an emergency it is easy to phone the school and a message will be passed on. Using a calculator I am never sure that I pressed the right keys so usually end up doing the calculation myself `just to make sure`
  23. Thanks for these Paul, I am really enjoying reliving my youth, and hearing songs I had forgotten. Love Billy Fury, The Platters, Brenda Lee and many more. Rock around the clock still has the power to get me on my feet esp the instrumental bit.
  24. Is it a large company that might have creche facilities for the employees you could use? It really is a difficult problem for you at such short notice. I don`t blame you for wanting to be sure of whoever you might leave her with, children are too precious to take risks with.
  25. This is one of the options the government are considering to help people struggling with the massive price increases. But where would such a tax go, into the chancellor`s greedy little mitts or to the people? If it is to the chancellor then how does that help, if it`s to the people the simpler solution would surely be to make them lower the prices, wouldn`t it?
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