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Everything posted by Minimo

  1. Mention of the iron lungs made me wonder if they are still in use, or what is the modern alternative.
  2. I held Martin Shaw's hand when he was signing autographs (years ago when he was in the Professionals) The Spinners at the Fiesta Nick Clegg, David Blunkett, Richard Caborn Stan Bairstow, author
  3. I bought my first computer (a BBC B) at a little shop close to the Fitzalan Square exit, was it Bunker and Pratley? I'd never used one so had little idea what I was doing, but I remember the fun I had programming an Easter egg treasure hunt game for my nieces and nephew. I felt so proud of myself for doing what was actually a very simple game (but we all had to start somewhere) The Star published a big photo of my mum and her brother, who was visiting from Australia, with a tag line about getting lost in the hole in the road.
  4. I have a vast quantity of information on the Revells (all spellings) as i have been researching this name since 1972. I don't think there is any connection between Revett and Revell, apart from people misreading difficult handwriting. Revell Grange is a lovely old house, I have had the privilege of having a look round.
  5. I'd love to know if anyone remembers my grandfather Arthur Odell, he lived on Pearl St until his death in 1955.
  6. Try eating something really sticky like treacle that will pick the hair up?
  7. We too went there often, always had a really good steak. Wasn't the Venus owned by the same people?
  8. I stopped back in April and I am now getting some sense of smell back and oh dear I don`t like it at all. Monday I have booked Ice to come and clean my carpets and suite. Redecorating and all curtains washed or replaced has been done so I am hoping things will smell much sweeter next week. I now feel very sorry for what visitors have had to put up with all these years. Good luck to everyone.
  9. Does anyone remember when DB tried to introduce a classical music night? I went with my then boyfriend and we were interviewed by the Star. We enjoyed it but didn`t go again (can`t remember why not) and I don`t think the idea took off.
  10. Au contraire, he served his time didn`t he?
  11. I have just finished Prisoner of Birth by Jeffrey Archer. I don`t care what anyone else says I like his books. I have enjoyed every novel , but am not interested in the prison diaries. I don`t care to know about his life inside, he was a total prat. But there are many people who have done criminal or stupid things but people still buy their books, records, or go to see their films.
  12. I hope the breaking news leads to a conclusion for you Danny, good luck
  13. I have just finished `Shadows of the Workhouse` by Jennifer Worth. I have sobbed my heart out over these true stories of a young girl, a brother and sister, and finally an old man. The last was so poignant, I won`t say any more in case anyone wants to read the book. It is a look at life for the poorest and weakest and makes me so angry that we still let people be treated with contempt.
  14. I found an old photo among my mum`s things. It is a street scene with bunting out, so looks like some celebration (end of war, royal event?) My grandfather lived on Pearl St, and we wondered if that was the street shown. The photo is on Sheffield Pictures under unknown, so if anyone cares to take a look and see if they recognise it that would be great. (picturesheffield.co.uk)
  15. I bet he won`t remember I once babysat for him many many years ago. To be honest I didn`t myself till my sister reminded me. I can`t even recall how it came about now.
  16. The version I heard was Oh dear what can the matter be Three old ladies and a vicar locked in the lavatory They were there from Monday to Saturday Well the vicar had to be in church on Sunday
  17. When we were kids our dr was Dr Blake. I can`t remember where his surgery was but we lived on Lansdowne Rd, off London Rd so somewhere round that area. He was incredibly kind when our dad died in 1954 leaving mum with 3 kids of 7 5 and 15 months. That first xmas he brought mum a box of groceries and little luxuries. A real star. Sadly I believe he killed himself many years later.
  18. The one truth is that everyone`s experience is different, with or without Champix. I stopped when I had a really bad bout of bronchitis, I couldn`t breathe let alone smoke. I am profoundly grateful that it has been so easy for me (sorry , don`t mean to gloat) I smoked for 47 years, and yes I do still want a cigarette but it its not a strong craving. In any case there are none in the house and I live a long way from shops and have no transport so I just tell myself Tough get over it. Now can anyone tell me how to get over my addiction to chocolate?
  19. I met Nick Clegg tonight at a Sheffield School Governors meeting. He spoke well without referring once to the sheaf of notes that had been prepared for him. I wasn`t called to ask my question at the meeting but when we returned to our car, he was at his car parked right opposite so I spoke to him then and he was very nice and polite. Unfortunately he didn`t have an answer to my question (about education in the Netherlands which he had been praising in the meeting)
  20. Just read in the Star that lead singer Colin Lumsdale has died age 51. The group was apparently well known in the eighties. Sorry I don`t remember them myself.
  21. Thanks Only me, god it looks grim to me now, though I enjoyed my time there.
  22. How do you get to the pic on FU please, I can`t seem to find it?
  23. Only me, I can`t remember going to Heeley Baths, but memory isn`t that good these days. I do remember the absolutely foul food which came in big steel containers. The meat was all gristle, the mashed potatoes cold, grey and lumpy, and the cabbage was dark green and bitter tasting. One of my school reports mentions my not eating the dinners, saying I would not do anything I didn`t want to. Sometimes they would make me sit there long after everybody else had finished, but I never gave in.
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