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Everything posted by rogets

  1. Look for a club where you simply pay £5 or £6 as and when you train Pay as you train
  2. Alcohol should not be served because people start fighting Pies and chips should not be served because they make people fat So lets lust ban everything Or, we could crack down on the trouble makers, make them fear the law and the the rest of us could enjoy a drink or two at the game
  3. It isn't trolling Have you seen the amount of obese people there are? YOunger people? Do you think this is acceptable?
  4. As I see it I think we now need to start to take responsibility for one another This is the how society can become happier Nobody wins unless everybody wins
  5. Why? If these shops are making profits making people fat then why not pay them to help solve the problem? Paying shops not to sell would be a good start?
  6. I just wonder what the motives are of the people who own these shops actually are? We have an obesity epidemic and yet these companies sell products that are the very things that are keeping people fat. Would it help if fish and chip shop owners asked people why they were buying fish and chips, and maybe even who they were buying the fish and chips for? If someone was overweight then maybe the chip shop owner could take back the fish and chips and give the customer a refund? I accept that this would cost sales but perhaps if we reimbursed the fish and chip shop for lost sales then this wouldn't be so bad? (maybe £6 per lost sale) The fish and chip shop owner could then say "I've turned away 50 people so can I have 50 x £6 = £300", the chip show owner money could then reclaim the lost sales from some kind of anti obesity department? Its not just fish and chip shops, this could apply to Chinese takeaways, coffee shops etc.....to compensate the owners for lost sales? Yes we would be paying business owners to lose sales But as a society we need to do something to sort out this epidemic
  7. I would imagine all Sheffield football fans will agree that Chris Waddles free kick at Wembly in the 1993 FA cup semi final was fantastic
  8. There are cameras everywhere these days, 50mph enforcements and yet people still dive at 70mph within these zones (maybe faster) Speed awareness course industry is booming so why do so many people think they won't get caught? I got done about 4 years ago, I used to drive based on the road conditions that I saw in front of me. Now I look at my speedometer when driving and I always seem to have an aggressive person driving 2 inches from my bumper (which never used to happen) Are these speed cameras not switched on or something? How can people still get away with speeding these days?
  9. Further humiliation for the seaside team Remember what happened last year at Hillsborough in the 1st leg at Hillsborough? Give it up Brighton, stick to candy floss and big wheels An easy win for Wednesday 3- 0
  10. I had every faith in both teams For once, both teams made me proud to be British
  11. The man who goes to the airport without his passport won't get very far Lets hope Wednesday don't approach Blackburn in this way Bogey team in the past, 7 - 2 as I recall one season Could be painful, I think 4-0 to Blackburn
  12. I saw some police going into Tesco on Infirmary Road nearby, maybe the 2 things are connected?
  13. High Green is very different to how it was in the 1950s I think
  14. SO might I suggest that you set off earlier? And could I be so bold as to suggest that you look at the bigger picture? ---------- Post added 24-09-2016 at 22:11 ---------- Could I suggest that you stop being so negative?
  15. Looking good for UNited it seems A draw against the top team in this division is going to cause a few raised eyebrows among the other teams
  16. Title contenders for the season in my opinion Only threat as I can see is from either Newcastle United or Derby COunty, both major clubs in the league I envisage promotion
  17. Green Man I am assuming that you are not actually a Sheffield Wednesday supporter HOw can I tell this? Because you have a flipping Sheffield United badge thing under your name
  18. Might I suggest that you all stop being so dependant on your cars? COuld I also make the point that buses are also available
  19. As long as you spit the pips back into the grapes then there isn't a problem If you spit the pips onto the floor they can be triphazard
  20. I have noticed that on certain subjects they do seem to select who they have a debate with With brexit back in JUne the remainers tended to be well educated, but the pro brexit people were carefully selected so they could be ripped apart on air
  21. 0 - 0 for this one folks There will be more excitement at the start of the game when ozzy owl wanders round the group behaving like a pillock
  22. Someone needs to call the police, the youth of today are out of control Anarchy in the UK People need to be sensible like they used to be 40 years ago
  23. If you do the speed awareness course then you wont have to pay as much on your car insurance for the next few years So its worth it if you look at it from that point of view
  24. I just don't see men being suited to this role, can you imagine a man doing a bit of chin pie (rubbing his chin stubble against a childs face) or farting loudly on duty? Men need to be in factories
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