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Sheridan1-0 last won the day on April 27 2023

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  1. He’s got a good reputation …maybe the newspaper is correct…but I’d seen something elsewhere that we’d not put a bid in for him …but things can change quickly…
  2. Apparently Wednesday aren’t in for Dembele ….we’ve made no bid…
  3. He didn’t though did he …it was the points deduction that got the club relegated….& how did we get the points deduction Bassett ??? ….it was the owners mismanagement of the club’s finances…. Now which part of that don’t you understand….because it’s been pointed out to you numerous times …. & Please don’t come back with the same old tosh that you repeat time & time again…because it’s just not true… & starting this thread & persistently stating untruths about the man who got the club promoted,is pathetic ….
  4. Gone ….I have to revert to counting them myself….😂😂
  5. Get off his back & be grateful he got us promoted out of the pub league….what he’s done or not done elsewhere is of no relevance …
  6. Rumours abound that Poveda is joining Sunderland…be a shame if he ends up there as he showed great promise at times last season….albeit he was injured for long periods…
  7. Read post 2 again ….it’s clearly not sunk in yet 🙄
  8. Read post 2 again …& again & again & again…until it sinks in ..
  9. Just the sort of excuse you thrive on to have a go at folk & it also encourages your chum to join in …
  10. Cameron Archer’s transfer fee ….off transfer market..? Looking at the enclosed ,more a minor error I’d say …taking this as £ sterling rather than € euros … That is unless you’re wanting to nit pick & start an argument ….hmmm now who does that on here ? 🙄
  11. Starting a thread to have another go at Darren Moore ….pathetic…
  12. Why would I be upset ? ….I’ve only asked you a question that either you can’t answer or don’t want to … You ,on the other hand ,are getting all upset about a comment that United have spent £100m on transfer fees …& then turned it into a situation where you start insulting posters … Either way ..have a good weekend…life’s too short to be bickering with strangers on an internet forum ….
  13. Resorting to personal insults doesn’t put you in a good light really….but ,ignoring that ..I repeat once more …you have disputed the transfer fee paid for CA …so tell us what the actual fee paid was ? What’s stopping you answering the question ?
  14. You’re struggling here aren’t you ? On more than one occasion you’ve asked where the Archer fee came from & yet it was clearly stated where on one of Tops previous posts … So do you agree that the stated fee is correct or if you don’t,tell us what the fee was ? Not that difficult is it ?
  15. So tell us how much United paid for Cameron Archer ? ….it’s a simple question..you clearly disagree with what’s been stated elsewhere….
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