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Everything posted by AMR67

  1. Just come back from our 3rd visit to Florida, and IMO Universal is still far better than any of the Disney Parks. Magic Kingdom is a must (but it's a late finish if you're staying to watch the fireworks), Animal Kingdom is OK, but the other 2 (Epcot and Hollywood Studies) are pretty average. As for the weather, we had rain on the first 6 days of our holiday (albeit only for an hour or so in the afternoons) and some of the best lightening storms I've ever seen - although it was still around 100f.
  2. After 30 years in the building game, I got a job as a School Caretaker in one of Sheffields Primary Schools, and I was taunted (all be it jokingly) by my so called friends who called me a paedo and a pervert. It was all harmless fun but it just goes to show how peoples minds work about men in schools.
  3. Could be the capacitor, which is like a starter for the motor. If the motor doesn't turn when you switch it on then this is most likely to be the culprit.
  4. Oats aside, a lot of people don't realise that gluten actually occurs in lots of everyday foods including sausages, burgers, low fat dairy products (soft cheese, mayo etc.), alcoholic drinks, flavoured coffees and teas, salad dressing, soy sauce, oxo cubes, and most cook in sauces. Most people just see gluten as being in your basics like bread, cereals, and pasta etc.
  5. My wife's coeliac and she gets the gluten free honey nut cornflakes from Asda, I think Nestle make them. Oats are usually gluten free. As harleyd says go to the Glutafin or Juvela websites, they often have offers on and free samples of gluten free foods. If you are medically diagnosed with Coeliac and not just one of these people doing the latest fad, then your doctor may prescribe a limited range of gluten free foods.
  6. Old Tinsley Wire site on Attercliffe Road, next to Meadowhall Retail Park.
  7. I remember Steve Davis opening the big video shop on Stubbin Lane in the mid 80s (I think it was called Video City - could be wrong though)
  8. The co-op that has just closed used to be Fine Fare, it has also been a Sommerfields as well. The shop that is now Jack Fultons used to be the Co-op (I'm going back to the 70's by the way).
  9. Try Stuart at Bil Beavers, Deep Lane S5. His no. is 077440 410717.
  10. Try MGP next to towsure on Holme Lane. They do allsorts of decorative glass for the license trade, or M.A. Garretty might be able to help you, they've just moved into a new unit at the bottom of Rutland Road in the same yard as Neepsend Motor Factors.
  11. I needed to see a doctor urgently and I wasn't prepared to wait 2 weeks for an appointment so I decided to play the system. I was taken ill whilst in London with what I thought was just a cold. I got so bad that the Staff at the County Hall Premier inn (other hotels are available) actually drove me to St Pancras and made sure I was safely on the train home. As I said, I played the system and it's a good job I did because as it turns out I had contracted pneumonia and was off work for 3 weeks. ---------- Post added 21-06-2016 at 10:22 ----------
  12. This is how a recent phone call to my GP surgery went: Me - "Hello, have you any appointments for today" Surgery - "Sorry, we've nothing until the week after next" Me - "In that case I need a home visit today, its urgent" Surgery - "hold the line please.................we can fit you in at 1.30 if you can make it" Me - "Thank you very much, bye" Amazing!!!
  13. PAT testing is not required by law, however it is good practice to have all electrical items tested as it could bring down insurance policies. Working in a School, we do have everything PAT tested, we have around 1000 items done per year.
  14. Try a timber merchants like Timber Specialists or Arnold Lavers.
  15. It was all stopped in the 70's because it turned out they'd made a pigs ear of it.
  16. Now I'm not saying every car is unique but you'd have to be very lucky to find someone close by with the same patterned alloy wheel key as you.
  17. A couple of facts about the Tinsley Viaduct. It is 1033 metres (0.64 miles) long, and from a standing start a F1 car would cover the length of the Viaduct in around 9 seconds.
  18. I'd stop buying those Vauxhalls if I were you Diamond2016, you don't seem to be having much luck with them what with the Astra as well.
  19. Looks like the haircut I had on all my School photos in the seventies - complete with a bit of a car flick.
  20. When we were in the U.S. and went to KFC we ordered a bargain bucket and were asked "Do you want biscuits or mashed potatoes with that?" She looked at me gone out when I asked for fries, that wasn't an option. We opted for mashed potatoes and gravy, and I discovered the Biscuits were like a cheese scone.
  21. I've got a 2ltr diesel Insignia, very nice to drive but they have been plagued by little gremlins, mainly on the coolant side. The EGR coolers are prone to cracking and leaking and another common fault is the intercooler pipe tends to split.
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