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Rockers rule

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Everything posted by Rockers rule

  1. Couldn't have worded it better Anna. What an inspiration to a whole generation that one was. RIP Girl Rock on
  2. The making of Doc Martin itv1 (now) Straight away, excellent behind the scene look at the shows last 18 years.
  3. I'm with you Pattricia . Ignore them girl. lets include Drama's ✔️ Boys from the Black Stuff. Drama or situation comedy ❓ either way one of the funniest things to come out of the early 80's Keep safe girl & All the best for 2023 Rocker
  4. Thank you Fools. Explained most eloquently. The last line is enough reason for me. Once again, thank you and all the best for 2023. Rocker
  5. Notice the increase in motorist driving with the sun visor down, it's already happening.
  6. Soap About as funny as funny can be.
  7. In what way? Explain 'Incredible'. I keep my own records, send the details on line and manage to turn off my own lights, Amazing Perception for an old Rocker 🤣. Keep safe fools and all the best for 2023 Rocker .
  8. Uncle Sam's (preferred the Blue Cheese Burgers at 'Aussi's in't Tesco's precinct) Happy Daze 😋. And another name from the past Couldn't see there would be much 'street cred' having the Golden Egg emblazoned on't back of your Donkey jacket 🤣. Keep safe & all the best for 2023 Rocker .
  9. Spot on Lord I won't have a smart meter fitted despite the offer of a free Costa Coffee or a Tree Planted. If I couldn't work out a day spent welding in't garage is gonna cost me more than a day wielding a pair of spanners bolting things back together and budget accordingly I'd be ashamed of my self. My suppliers wanted to put my regular payment up despite being in credit (soon sorted them out). "My mortgage is going up" winds me up, hasn't stopped the buggers ordering out or calling into KFC or playing on't X box till't early hours of the morning 🤣. All the best for 2023 Lord Rocker .
  10. Clicking the link and the first 30 seconds is what you get for your 8Mill 🤣
  11. The question has to be 'just who are the Hugh Number of people and where did they come from? Are we to blame as parents ❓ Us older ones were brought up turning lights off, or not even turning the things on in the first place and shutting curtains. We weren't poverty stricken but only used one room until evening and then we wouldn't think of watching Television in't 'Best room' with the light on, meals were served as a family unit and bed time was bed time. I have done my share of running around switching lights off after the kids but hopefully at the same time installed some sort of understanding in them how to budget for food, and fuel bills. Is technology to blame? has this present generation had it too easy? and are only now realising the extravagances of having every room in the house lit up (and central heating on) with a little Johnny or Margaretta glued to the latest gaming machine in their own rooms from the moment they walk in from school till late at night. Harking back to food we had meals that served the whole family. There was none of this 'fussy eater' nonsense that I can remember. Fuel bills, Mortgages (or paying rent) and turning the telly off once Carole Hersee had gone Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep were all something we did as routine. Has anything really changed apart from being easier ? Direct debits and BACS make life a darn sight easier than the monthly trip t' town hall t' pay't mortgage or wages going on one hand of cards as happened on pay day.
  12. Easy search UK Government new TV ad shares 30 second household energy saving tips | Watch (msn.com) Has been mentioned elsewhere apparently 8 mill to tell us what we already know or should know. Excellent value
  13. No problems, but far from me wanting to worry you. Have you not wondered where all your burgers have gone after your hip swinging nights out entertaining the miscreants of Padders bar 🤣. Keep safe and all the best for 2023 Rocker .
  14. Bunny's that's a name from the past. Didn't they do a nice line in 'Green ' Denim jackets and Brown / Purple or Red Corduroy Loon pants .
  15. Not if you couldn't afford to fill them because of the extortionate price of food at the shops Shear extravagance keeping a fridge freezer running just to impress the neighbours
  16. (I was working on it Padders) 🤣 There are a few lads, lass's and a few unsure's on this very fine forum that have found just such the place. Situated in the outer region of the highly regarded borough of Loxley and 'Officially recognised' as a 'Free State' (in a mix up by SCC on the night of the great Sheffield storm) (1962) 'Padders bar'. Immortalised in that 'great' Ealing comedy 'Passport to Pimlico Padders' has been 'surreptitiously like,' entertaining those in the know with great merriment, at (may I say) 'most reasonable costs' (providing money is being exchanged over the bar and that darn Parrot is fed) ever since. While the present exchange rate from Pounds Sterling to LSD (Loxley Spending Disks) is quite reasonable at the moment, the backlog of requests for Passports is causing some consternation. The 'gorgeous' 'Tinsel' (formally known as 'Big Dave' before the operation) has promised 'Mien Host' 'King of all he surveys, and proclaimed ,Great Fumbler' the problem will be sorted in time for the 'Grand re-opening' after the highly successful Padders Christmas shindig. Johnny Longprong will compare various things the nights entertainment which will include recitals of ancient Loxley battle cries, Flapper's indoor flypast and the traditional 'Naked Bog Snorkelling' prelude to 'Piping the New Year in. As a special treat after gracing us with his unexpected stay over (partly due to having partaken in too much of the 108% bathtub gin) last year, Sheffield Wednesday supporter extraordinaire 'Mighty Mick the Monkey and his Top Hatted Barrel organ playing side-kick Mr Bloke will end the evenings entertainment with the leading of the great unwashed, through the most ancient and secret Bagley Dyke underground tunnel and river network down to the Northern General where the annual early morning stomach pumping will take place. Keep safe, pop on down. See 2023 in with style. Rocker
  17. The buggers keep moving the goal post Tipstaff. Hasn't been 65 for a while. 67 (or in your 67th year is the new 65 . Perhaps the OP should have read 'Over -50s-encouraged-not-to-even-think-of-retiring' . Eat, sleep, work, pay yer tax's💀. Other than that keep safe and best of luck getting through 2023
  18. South Pacific 😵 😵 Kidding Left Mrs Rocker on't settee singing along to her self. I'm in't garage
  19. 25% Welsh sounds good to me. Love the place (and for a Jock to say that that it's got to be good). Portmeirion love the place All the best for 2023 Rocker
  20. 👍 Ah! finally music to my ear Must be some Scottish blood in there MJ
  21. I think you will find our Padders is strictly a ladies man Cheekofit, unless t'others need a hand
  22. I'd be giving it a miss Padders, Coronation Street actor Jack P Shepherd gets hair transplant - Bing video Of course if you wanted a 'Blue Vein' tattooed on yer bonce I could come out of retirement. Not sure what caliber of 'squeeze' it'd attract but offer stands. Must be worth a try Keep safe out there Rocker .
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