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Rockers rule

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Everything posted by Rockers rule

  1. It's obviously worse than diagnosed Thank you Bob Have a good 2023 Rocker
  2. As a final thought for 2022. When we were young, we were all going to be flying around in jet powered cars like this beauty Not motorised versions of Stay safe out there
  3. I was hoping the cream would have sorted them by now, but Hey-Ho as afflictions, go quoting the odd French derived word can be grand confort in ones dotage 🤣 🤣. Not be long now till we're on the other side. Keep safe out there All the best for 2023 Rocker .
  4. Give me the Key I'll do it my self. On the other hand if there's no Monarchy the tower will have been flattened and gulags will have been erected for those whom views don't match the new republics
  5. Looked like he was in for some Percy Filth first.
  6. Plenty of festive goodies washed down by none alcohol none falling down water While waiting for 2023 to bring peace and joy to all on SF. Keep safe Rocker .
  7. I see Her Maj's elocution lessons did one well Chekhov. Enjoy 2023 Have a good un Rocker .
  8. While other posters keep repeating the same rhetoric with the hope everybody will agree with them. Not that anyone is allowed to think any other way but theirs. Useful enough for you ❓ You keep safe out there & All the best for 2023. Rocker
  9. Not 'your' as in 'you' but those with Duel citizenship 🤣 Keep safe Harvey Rocker
  10. Unless should war come, you could use your duel citizenship and bugger off out of the way 🤣.
  11. Keep 🎣 I shan't be ⬜✏️🖍️. True to life Padders, true to life . Only t'other day did our youngest join a right wing splinter group and the Vicars daughter took money off a couple of well dodgy gullible nut jobs for a baby she isn't even having 🤣 🤣 fools. (Not you Fools - your ok ) Good job the local undertaker isn't gullible enough to buy a miniature settee instead of the real thing . Now that would be funny 🤣. What I don't find funny is some sleaze ball taking advantage of the gorgeous Paula Wilcox. (I wanted that job ). Keep safe out there & All the best for 2023 Rocker .
  12. Seriously. When the Father-in-law was having health issues including the occasional fall, the people of Sheffield always came good. Like many of his generation he had to have his almost daily walks down t' market. While not dishevelled, he did have his 'favourite' overcoat (and 'webbed' Army belt) . He's no longer with us but seeing 2000 in with us at ours (South facing house) watching fireworks filling the skyline improved his health for another few years. So to all those 'Cuttsie's' out there thank you for picking him up, dusting him down and making sure he was alright. Keep safe out there all those who wouldn't walk past 👍.
  13. I don't drink but the bloody hedges are still there
  14. (You still here 🤣) Not after pulling my Calf muscle yesterday . I'm a total abstainer but I might just give it a go. Would be nice to fall down just for old times sake like All the best for 2023 Rocker .
  15. Father Ted Wouldn't have that bugger working in my body-shop. funny if not always politically correct. Keep safe out there & All the best for 2023 Rocker .
  16. Your vote for yes was included Blackydog. Thank you for the input & all the best for 2023
  17. & with that we have the results for the 2022 'Would you vote for a British Republic. 10 Yes they would vote for a Republic. 19 No they would not. 101 NA (general comments and those just interested in arguing the toss). The voting is now closed. Thanking you for your input.
  18. Well, overnight, unable to sleep, grinding my teeth and dreaming of the day when these type of people are made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Great Britain with crowds chanting ‘Shame!’ while throwing lumps of excrement at them, I'm pretty sure everyone who’s of my age must be thinking the same way 🤣. What ❗ ❓ (As a precaution to having upset anyone with this missive I have shut my garage until further notice) 🤣 Keep safe out there & All the best for 2023 Rocker .
  19. Started the day with a warming bowl of salted porridge 😋. And listening to some rousing pipe music. ⚡️SCOTLAND THE BRAVE ⚡️ PIPES & DRUMS ( HD )⚡️ - YouTube & this guy The Badpiper Thunderstruck - YouTube See all you Sassenachs on the other side
  20. Now let this old rocker have a fink £3000 pounds worth of Motorcycle / car or a bottle of pop. Motorcycle wins 🏁
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