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Are You Capable Of Hatred, Have You Had Or Have Reason To Have Hated?

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Inspired from a comment from a friend on an FB post. They're very 'right on' (an old term!) but show hate from time to time despite their peace loving exterior.

I'm not sure I'm capable of hate, real hate, I'm pretty sure I never had hate other than that momentary childhood hate. Maybe I've been fortunate enough to never had a life situation that brought out hatred in me.

Are you capable of hatred, or have reason to have hated?

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Like jealousy,  to me it would be a sin,  rather than have 'a heated debate' which is likely to make things worse I find it more worthwhile

to ignore the antagonist,  if you know the person who is challenging you then you can usually gauge if it's going to have a good outcome.


That's why I approve of forums putting on an ignore facility,  helps everyone's well being.

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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

I've only ever hated one person in my almost 50 years on this earth. 

I don't hate the person anymore. They are irrelevant to my life now.

Did she take you to the cleaners?


There are quite a few people/things I have a real hatred for. It's probably best I don't go into detail on here though.

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I believe that normal people ( for want of a better description )  only hate those who deliberately harm their family, their friends or themselves personally.

That is a perfectly normal response to threats to loved ones or yourself, it's a defence mechanism and perfectly understandable on an emotional human level.


Unfortunately there are people who seem to hate for the sake of hating, or because their own life is so dreadful that it's their response.

I have never been able to understand racism, sectarianism, anti Semitism, Islamophobia or any other irrational hatred.

If someone has done something to you or yours in a malignant way then fair enough but hating a whole demographic because one of them did something to you seems ridiculous.


But yes, under specific circumstances we are all capable of hatred.

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It’s a good question.

I am sure that I have said that “I hate ......” on a few occasions in my life without actually meaning it certainly as regards people that I have known personally.

Dislike would certainly be nearer the mark in a few cases.

Like Padders I could apply it to some food (including beetroot) and to some people’s habits,including one of my own.

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I’ve never hated anybody, only disliked . My parents were Catholic and took me away from Shirecliffe school where I was very happy and sent me to The Convent High School for girls. This was run by nuns who weren’t cruel but unkind. We had to pray three times a day and there was no humour or happiness in this school. They once said to me “ Why are you top in English and bottom in Maths. ?   Imagine saying that to a child !

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