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Has Anyone Had Their Grit Bin Removed (Or Not Filled Any More) ?


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I have heard worrying reports of some people's grit bins just being removed (by the council ?).

Is this true ? And if so, how many people have had this happen to them ?

If this is the case the I think it's disgusting because, arguably, the council should be keeping roads (well, all but the least used back roads) passable anyway. Grit bins are a way of them doing so cheaply as the public have to do all the hard work......

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We had ours removed years ago.

We're in a block of flats with a lot of elderly people in it, we contacted the council but were told that it's ok because there's a bin nearby... yes, down a steep hill about 10 minutes away :loopy:


It's all good though, now people can fall over in the snow, break a leg and sue the council.

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I complained in the past that there wasn't one any where near us, pointed to this site :  https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/roads-pavements/winter-road-pavement-issues  to find I had been walking past one many times and never clocked it. I think it's the bright yellow camouflage they use, makes em difficult to spot. 

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Thinking about it, I've not seen one for years.



I've not seen any grit trucks either (This year) It always amazes me how the council never do any non-main roads. You know, the roads where all those council tax payers live! The council tax payers have to get off the side/estate roads, to get to the main roads. Maybe too much forward thinking for SCC!




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37 minutes ago, Pyrotequila said:

We had ours removed years ago.

We're in a block of flats with a lot of elderly people in it, we contacted the council but were told that it's ok because there's a bin nearby... yes, down a steep hill about 10 minutes away :loopy:


It's all good though, now people can fall over in the snow, break a leg and sue the council.

I don't think you can actually sue a local authority for falling over in the snow. 

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20 minutes ago, zach said:

Thinking about it, I've not seen one for years.



I've not seen any grit trucks either (This year) It always amazes me how the council never do any non-main roads. You know, the roads where all those council tax payers live! The council tax payers have to get off the side/estate roads, to get to the main roads. Maybe too much forward thinking for SCC!




How many gritting wagons and people to drivw them would be needed to grit every road in Sheffield in one day? A huge amount of money, people and plant for a few days per year.

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3 minutes ago, Bargepole23 said:

How many gritting wagons and people to drivw them would be needed to grit every road in Sheffield in one day? A huge amount of money, people and plant for a few days per year.

How many people pay the council for services? Why remove the 'self help' option (Thread title)?



They can blow 10 grand on plaques etc. Have expensive meals at useless meetings...this list of wasted cash is long. But don't give a toss about the people that are a big part of their funding. (IMO)


You stand up for them if you feel they are doing such a good job. I think they need to re-think budget and spending, and employ the right people for the right jobs! I worked for them for many years. Central Council are useless (putting it mildly)


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