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RIP SF Admin Mort


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In line with other prominent forum users who pass, I thought it appropriate that Mort have one of these in memoriam threads.


Sadly, after not being able to raise Mort this morning another friend and I went to her flat and found that she had passed away during the night.


Mort had a varied career, from archaeologist to manager of the on site crew at City Hall, and she was the only person I know who could loom over people a foot taller than she was in one moment, and then reduce a conversation to gutter level the next (and anybody who heard her uproarious laugh will remember that).


Mort was my friend for the last 30 years and I will miss her terribly, so please, be nice if you wish to post here.

I will post details of her funeral once organised.  Her beloved cats Mr Fat Feet and Siren will be taken into an emergency foster place tomorrow, pending her next of kin's decision as to their future.

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