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The Joker

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    Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane

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  1. Come on, he even sounds just like Chris Pratt too. And no, adding Jason Statham would not improve the show, unless you needed a cheesy cockney accent (like Fast & Furious, oh dear). Anyway, I’ve just finished episode 6 and so far, I’m not disappointed. ”Going on up to the spirit in the sky . . .”
  2. I’ve just finished episode 3 and so far it’s living up to my expectations. ”Hello, Spivey” I definitely see a resemblance of the main character to Patrick Swayze and Chris Pratt too. And at least this Reacher (all 6 foot 5 inches) matches the one in the novels ( sorry, Mr Cruise). Anyway, still 5 more episodes to go . . .
  3. I’ll give this a look. I’m not a fan of novels, but there are those with a more active imagination than me, and say the books are a good read.
  4. No, it’s the most blatant failing of Capitalism: the idea that greedy people will somehow work together out of the good of their hearts to benefit the rest of mankind.
  5. I prefer Lady Gagagaga Chromatica got me through the first and seconds lockdowns . . . yeah I was listening to it a little too much
  6. I wouldn't go that far . . . I don't know who Ms Garraway is and I've no intention of watching her show but given the back & forth 'tween you and Pat, I'd argue that Ms Garraway is simply exploiting the medical and financial opportunities available to a well-connected celebrity like her; opportunities that a fully paid-up member of the proletariat like me will never get. Up the NHS.
  7. There are a couple of songs that I thought were boring when they were released in the 1980s, but I appreciate them more now and I won’t rush to change the radio station / throw a shoe at the television if I hear them: China in Your Hand - T’Pau Take my Breath Away - Berlin
  8. We’re doing well this year. We’re averaging one RTC a week.
  9. In all fairness, I don't know anybody in Sheffield who has anything positive to say about the council, ever. Maybe I should move in better circles.
  10. Platini was there, and Le French are always up for a riot. He was to blame for the 39 deaths, not them lovable scousers.
  11. I could've sworn I've seen those scenes before in Belgium . . . Heysel 1985 I think it was.
  12. Jeez, Government officials have been at it for decades: MI5 did not tell police of minister's ‘penchant for small boys’, inquiry hears MI5 warned that Sir Peter Morrison, former minister of state for trade and industry, was rumoured to have a penchant for small boys back in the 1980s. The security service interviewed Sir Peter Hayman, a former high commissioner to Canada, who retired in 1984 and died in 1992, particularly about reports that in the 1950s when he was in Baghdad local boys had visited him for sexual purposes. The DPP, Hayman told MI5, had given him immunity from prosecution. Maurice Oldfield, a former head of MI6, who had told Thatcher that he had had “homosexual encounters”, dating back to the 1940s and 1950s, with “house boys” and “hotel stewards” in Asia.
  13. You mean Maggie Thatcher didn’t know about Sir Jimmy Savile’s offences against children? Just like she didn’t know about Sir Cyril Smith’s offences against children? I think we need another full and frank inquiry into what Maggie Thatcher knew and why she helped Sir Jimmy Savile and Sir Cyril Smith continue.
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