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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

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40 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Nigel Farage has just launched his Brexit Party in Coventry. He says that it is full of 'ordinary people' yet looking at the footage on the BBC it looks like the usual male gammon faces. Not only that but he has Jacob Rees-Mogg's sister on board for added working class credibility!


And surprise, surprise he has started with the big lies already. "The vast majority of people in the UK outside of London want to leave the EU on WTO terms" And surprise, surprise the BBC interviewer did not challenge him on it. He got very defensive and hot under the collar when asked about Aaron Banks' involvement in the Brexit Party.


Expect a lot of mudslinging between UKIP and the Brexit Party to come, as they fight over the same voters.

Apparently the Daily Telegraph has been ordered to publish a correction to a similar statement made in Boris  Johnson's column.

No wonder we are such a cynical lot.

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5 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Apparently the Daily Telegraph has been ordered to publish a correction to a similar statement made in Boris  Johnson's column.

This seems to be the new 'bus lie'. 


It has been repeated time and time again by Brexit supporters and even expanded from the original 'majority of people in England' to 'majority of the UK'.


Farage's 'vast majority of people in the UK' is the most extreme use of the lie and the BBC interviewer by not challenging it is effectively saying that fake news is now a legitimate part of the Brexit debate.


We need more journalists like Krishnan Gury-Murthy who simply ended an interview with a Tory politician who repeatedly refused to answer, when he was asked what he based that claim on.

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As predicted Farage and his Brexit Party are desperate to get on board the "European Gravy Train" they keep denouncing by standing in the forthcoming EU elections. 5 more years for them to eat in Brussels bistros on their expense accounts whilst bemoaning their lot.


If they truly believed the EU was such a despotic and undemocratic body as they claim they wouldn't be trying to be elected to it. Hypocrites.

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Farage's 'vast majority of people in the UK' is the most extreme use of the lie and the BBC interviewer by not challenging it is effectively saying that fake news is now a legitimate part of the Brexit debate.

Hang on a mo,  you also propagate fake news. Aren't you the one who keeps stating that the majority of the population of the UK dont want brexit when the population are never asked only the voters?


18 minutes ago, taxman said:

If they truly believed the EU was such a despotic and undemocratic body as they claim they wouldn't be trying to be elected to it. Hypocrites.

I cant see any problem with that, after all the remainers on here keep telling us that the only way to force change in the EU is from the inside by being a member. They also knew if we left that we would not have any MEPs and they would not be part of the show..


Edited by apelike
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5 minutes ago, apelike said:

The also knew if we left that we would not have any MEPs and they would not be part of the show..


WOW you know, you should be in politics with secret insider info like that :O

Edited by melthebell
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10 minutes ago, apelike said:

I cant see any problem with that, after all the remainers on here keep telling us that the only way to force change in the EU is from the inside by being a member.

UKIP MEPs were never about trying to change things from the inside - they'd have turned up to vote more often if they had been. Even on the occasions they did vote it was frequently against the interests of the British public.

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6 hours ago, ez8004 said:

The sooner you understand how our representative democracy works, the sooner you can stop talking nonsense. 

The sooner Remainers understand how a first past the post vote works, the sooner they will stop believing that they won in 2016.


I'm hearing from lots of people who have never voted in a Euro election before that they will this time in order to register a protest against the establishment elite for keeping us in the EU against our clear direction to Leave.

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1 minute ago, apelike said:

Hang on a mo,  you also propagate fake news. Aren't you the one who keeps stating that the majority of the population of the UK dont want brexit when the population are never asked only the voters?



I have always said that the majority of the population did not vote for Brexit and that is true whether you are talking about the population defined as every citizen or the population defined only of those eligible to vote.


ALL serious polls in the past three years have shown that a majority of those polled wish to remain in the EU, the largest, and therefore the most accurate statistically, finding that 54% of those polled wish to remain in the EU.


I struggle to find any 'fake news' in either of those statements.


Even if you take only the referendum result and even then, only count those who voted and then assume that everyone who voted leave wishes to leave with no deal, it would still only mean that a maximum of 52% support leaving with no deal which nobody would agree is a 'vast majority' It is an absolute disgrace that Farage was allowed to tell such a whopper on live television without being challenged.

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