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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Have you suddenly started believing everything verbatim as politicians tell you? Pop into a WMC and ask around the Leave voters if they have.


PPS, I'll save you the embarrassment of visiting a club. Leave voters don't believe politicians either. That's why they voted Leave.

Your social class strawman is redundant, because it doesn't matter: from outright poverty all the way "up" to high-ish middle class, and Leaver or Remainer irrespective, they'll all ultimately suffer the consequences of the vote.


And, for Leavers, regardless of whether protest, ignorance, xenophobia patriotism, nationalism, or whatever other belief or reason fuelled their choice.


Anyone who voted Leave as a protest vote against the British political class, has only themselves to blame for the fact that their vote didn't change anything at all: if anything, it made the situation far worse, and for the whole world to see, point and laugh at.

I find it hilarious that everyone will be poorer because of it. It is how quickly you can recover that counts. This even alone will divide social mobility move than ever. <...>
I don't find it hilarious in the least, at the thought of what Brexit is going to translate as for Joe Average in the UK. Because indeed, it will set back social mobility for years, besides other negative socio-economic consequences.


But then, as a long-time strong believer in one's personal responsibility and accountability, any blame, and any solutions, all lie solely at the feet of those who 'won' the referendum and the GE 2017 (optionally also the next one in 2018, if it turns out how I expect it to) which will have caused those consequences.


And personally, I'm not paying for it this time. I already paid for the pre-2008 party, so find another mug. So far as I'm concerned, the UK bit the hand, so I'm abandoning it to its fate with a good luck wish. Which is far kinder than the alternative :|

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It would appear that your true self is coming out over the last few posts. I’m glad your family have dual nationality and I hope you get what you want.


You should be glad I’m not arguing against Brexit any more :loopy:


All chips in. Let’s go for it so people can learn their lesson.


If you think people won’t get hurt by it then why are you worried?

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What lesson do you think people will learn?


Listen to experts I suppose. When my boiler breaks down I call a gas safe engineer not have a go myself and blow my house up. If I need an operation I will go on a waiting list on the nhs and let a skilled surgeon fix me not leave it to some gob****e down the pub or a daily mail "journalist*"



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PPS, I'll save you the embarrassment of visiting a club. Leave voters don't believe politicians either. That's why they voted Leave.


Ironically the problem is that they do, but they believe the lies they were told by the likes of Farage. They apparently can't tell a regular lying politician, from a scumbag massive lying hypocrite racist politician.

So they simply believe whichever lie sounds the best to them.

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I am very happy with how the Brexit negotiations are going. We are going to end up on WTO rules for trade and our economy will be severely hit by it. The result from this will be more unemployed and more strain on public services. The socio-economic divide will widen incredibly. This is in fact great news for me since I am not on the wrong side of the divide and it will make it far easier for my children to succeed in the future.

Edited by ez8004
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A natural tory voter by the sounds of it.


You're probably wrong about who's going to benefit as well, inequality will increase, but unless you're one of the very rich you and your family will be on the wrong side of that change. Oh, and inequality is bad even for the people who are on the side that is gaining.

It's not a zero sum game, you don't need other people to lose for you to benefit.

Edited by Cyclone
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