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Car parking not a problem ,for some that is.

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A member of an Arab royal family has solved his car parking problems (when in London) by buying the car park for 21 million pounds .

He parks his 80 super cars dressed in striped car covers in his new acquisition .

The cars are believed to worth more than the price he paid for the car park.


Mean while Oxfam are appealing for more donations to their fund so as clean running water can be sourced to over 23 million people World wide.

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A member of an Arab royal family has solved his car parking problems (when in London) by buying the car park for 21 million pounds .

He parks his 80 super cars dressed in striped car covers in his new acquisition .

The cars are believed to worth more than the price he paid for the car park.


Mean while Oxfam are appealing for more donations to their fund so as clean running water can be sourced to over 23 million people World wide.


What's OXFAM got to do with it? Lol

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Noting new:


The influx of oil-based wealth began in the early 1970s when the Saudis started to buy property in and around Mayfair.


The fall of the Shah of Iran in 1979 was a wake up call to the other Gulf monarchies that they needed an international portfolio of homes to provide security and overseas assets.

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What about all those people who buy houses with drives and garages? Or is it just when Arabs do it?




The two issues mentioned in the opening post are completely separate but samssong has linked the two simply to justify yet another of his xenophobic rants. Check the other threads he starts, they're all anti-Arab or anti-Muslim.


I own several cars and have difficulty parking close to home (thank you Sr Andrew Cash)? Owning a car park would make it easier.

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