The problem is the current 'woke' way of thinking that wants to combine two clearly understandable things into one, which no one seems capable of agreeing upon because they are quite different things. What you are physically and biologically is what determines your sex; the number of chromosomes dictates if you are male or female. What you identify with is a totally different thing and it's a personal thing dictated by your opinion of yourself. If people could just agree that someone can be a man that identifies as a woman, a woman that identifies as a man and a man that identifies as a neither than everyone would just get along. It's the current line of thinking that seems to want us to believe an individual has a different biological sex just because they say so which is causing the bother.
If a man says he is a woman, then IMO he isn't unless he has gone through the entire physical process of turning from one to another, if that is even a process we can achieve. A man who claims he is a woman just because he wears women's clothes isn't a woman, they are a man identifying as a woman.
If a man of 20 identifies as someone of 80, is he 80?