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Russia now bombing Syria

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Because even if they did accept the offer,who would be daft enough to believe them :suspect: (maybe Corbyn? :hihi:).

The very fabric of ISIS is made of anti-westernization rhetoric,and that won't change at all.

Besides,I think there is a much bigger picture to all of this.

Airstrikes have been going off now for over a year in Syria,yet ISIS seems to be growing at an alarming rate.

How is that possible?:suspect:

I believe that whilst ISIS is not a direct threat to us,they are being used as temporary pawns,occupying territories so that Assad doesn't gain them.

My thoughts are that Americas plan was to...

Support the Rebels>Topple Assad>Deal with IS>Reap ill gotten gains.

But now Russia is involved,there plan is to...

Blow the Rebels out of Syria>Deal with ISIS>Reap ill gotten gains through Assad in exchange for this help

It also sends out a message that mother Russia is back,whilst flipping the middle finger at America.:hihi:


There's only one way to resolve the 'Russian' problem, and that's to get Elton John to have a word with Putin again.:P

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the Assad gov is a legitimate gov


yeah sure. How can a government be legitimate when the dad took power in a military coup and then after being a ruthless dictator for over 30 years, then handed power over to his son after he died in a dynastic succession - that is the younger one, Barshar who wasn't earmarked to be the successor until he abruptly had to change career when the son who was supposed to be the next Syrian president killed himself in a car crash by driving like a total maniac on the way out to the airport in Damascus.

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yeah sure. How can a government be legitimate when the dad took power in a military coup and then after being a ruthless dictator for over 30 years, then handed power over to his son after he died in a dynastic succession - that is the younger one, Barshar who wasn't earmarked to be the successor until he abruptly had to change career when the son who was supposed to be the next Syrian president killed himself in a car crash by driving like a total maniac on the way out to the airport in Damascus.


It might not have been pleasant or democratic but it was (relatively) peaceful and certainly contained. Syria was a far better and safer place for the majority than it is now. What works in the west doesn't work in the Middle East (see Iraq, Libya, Saudi, Egypt etc)

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Just to add. I think we should pretty much do this:


- Offer peace talks with ISIS leaders on mutual terms warning that military action will take place if these talks fail.

- If they refuse, or talks stall or killings continue then we go to complete, full powered UN sanctioned military involvement and occupation of their lands and send them off to their supposed virgins in the sky.


What would you want from the peace talks? Notwithstanding they want to take over the world.


Iraq nor Syria would accept giving up large portions of their territory for peace.


You wouldnt get any resolution past the UN security council becayse Russia, China or both would block it for their own reasons.


Nobody has the will to go to war. the only country with the capacity is the US, but it wouldnt be politically popular, its a waste of billions and no country wants casualties. Britain doesnt want war for the same reasons.


Wont happen unless something happens to change the political climate, perhaps a 9/11 style attack on the US.


---------- Post added 03-10-2015 at 20:10 ----------


Why are we involved in Syria ?


We arent. ISIS do present a major terrorist threat though plus the conflict is causing lots of refugees and destabilising neighbouring friendly countries.. What happes affects us.

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What would you want from the peace talks? Notwithstanding they want to take over the world.


Iraq nor Syria would accept giving up large portions of their territory for peace.


You wouldnt get any resolution past the UN security council becayse Russia, China or both would block it for their own reasons.


Nobody has the will to go to war. the only country with the capacity is the US, but it wouldnt be politically popular, its a waste of billions and no country wants casualties. Britain doesnt want war for the same reasons.


Wont happen unless something happens to change the political climate, perhaps a 9/11 style attack on the US.


---------- Post added 03-10-2015 at 20:10 ----------



We arent. ISIS do present a major terrorist threat though plus the conflict is causing lots of refugees and destabilising neighbouring friendly countries.. What happes affects us.


Or someplace in Europe which would galvanize the EU leaders into really gearing up for a serious war but hold on..... let the Yanks do most of it as usual.

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Or someplace in Europe which would galvanize the EU leaders into really gearing up for a serious war but hold on..... let the Yanks do most of it as usual.



The yanks are doing it because its part of Americas agenda. They WANT the middle east in chaos, They NEED Syria to fall. I mean how do you expect them to destabilise Iran if Syria is still around?

Iran is the target, Syria, Assad in the people of that country are just in the way.

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