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harvey19 last won the day on November 5 2023

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  1. I have decided to quit the forum. No specific reason just think it is time to move on. I thank all forum members past and present for some interesting and often thought provoking debates. Thank you and bye.
  2. You are right and it is often the side which has the best propaganda machine gets most support. Hitler recognised this with The Signal magazine.
  3. No problem with your post. I am not a staunch supporters but try to be objective and not just accept what is put in front of me. I also fully accept propaganda is distributed by all sides in situations like this and bias can give different descriptions of the same situation.
  4. You said, I said we could go on for hours !
  5. How do you know ? Listening to you one would think everyone was just wrongly understood. Every country, organisation, families keep secrets. Even on this forum contributors identities are kept secret. We only know a tiny bit of what is happening in world politics and that is often from propaganda .
  6. If a person supplied the sensitive intelligence they would need protecting and the way the intelligence was gathered would need protecting. Quite basic requirements.
  7. Without divulging sensitive intelligence it says in the article.
  8. From the article it appears that those detained are suspected terrorists and they have not gone on trial to protect the witnesses against them
  9. Could you enlighten me on the situation of Palestinians detained by Israel please. Reasons why, where and how are they held as I am not aware of the details. Yes release all hostages, this could provide a catalyst for a ceasefire
  10. I am not playing the blame game but answering Organgrinder who asked who were the law breakers. If Israel say they are targeting military installations they will say their attacks are legal. If the hostages were released the battles may end. Like all wars it has turned into a dreadful situation where many have been killed and maimed. Like in all conflicts most people do not want it and only want to live peaceful lives. The only way forward in all these situations where countries/parties have historic conflicting views is to forget past real or perceived injustices and start again with clear objectives agreed by all. Not taking sides just being objective .
  11. Maybe towards the later 1960s but there was not the problems on such a large scale as today or with the related criminal gangs.
  12. Wasn't it Hamas who broke the ceasefire and massacred 1400 innocent civilians and took 242 hostages of which 238 are still held captive. Who are the law breakers.?
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