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Russia now bombing Syria

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I should point out that Russia has 24 operational nuclear submarines [LINK]. Some of these will be on station off the US coast (in international waters).


As does the US Navy off the Baltic coast. How many operational nuke submarines does it take to finish off civilization as we know it?


---------- Post added 01-10-2015 at 16:10 ----------


With the middle east it's easy to get into a war but getting out is far, far harder. Putin is probably the latest super power leader to start learning this lesson

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Dont be misled into thinking Russia is bombing civis. Its yet to be confirmed by an independent source.


I agree,Putin is not a stupid man.I think its called propaganda.It appears to me as though it has become a shia versus sunni outright battle.The problem the US has is that it is trying to keep everybody happy,Putin is not that selective.The worst thing that can happen is that the US and Russia shoot each others planes down.


---------- Post added 01-10-2015 at 19:03 ----------


As does the US Navy off the Baltic coast. How many operational nuke submarines does it take to finish off civilization as we know it?


---------- Post added 01-10-2015 at 16:10 ----------


With the middle east it's easy to get into a war but getting out is far, far harder. Putin is probably the latest super power leader to start learning this lesson


I think that the US also has secret weapons that we know nothing about as well,there are lots of whispers on the internet that the alleged Aurora superplane actually works and is up and running.


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They'll probably be targeting the FSA and JAN who are a threat to the regime at present.
My thinking too, and merely a repeat of Turkey bombing the s**t out of the PKK in northern Syria rather than ISIS, after getting a get-to-it green light from Obama.


And did we (EU, US, GB...) hear much about that and/or exert much pressure on Erdogan? Did we f :rolleyes:


So, are we (EU, US, GB...) going to do much about Russian Foxbats precision-bombing rebel-held schools and hospitals in Syria? Will we f :rolleyes:


The US and the EU are the geopolitical Corbyns of the age. How the Chinese, Putin, the Saudis, the Israelis and pretty much the rest of the world must be laughing.


My prognostic? The US, France and GB are going to scale down their air campaign and assets, and let Putin have at it. You just watch.

With the middle east it's easy to get into a war but getting out is far, far harder. Putin is probably the latest super power leader to start learning this lesson
I think you'll find he's done his fair share of geopolitical learning over the past decade and a bit, and he's got all the lessons just fine: he's been giving the world a masterclass in realpolitik for 2 to 3 years now, and he's far from done...and we're letting him. Edited by L00b
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My thinking too, and merely a repeat of Turkey bombing the s**t out of the PKK in northern Syria rather than ISIS, after getting a get-to-it green light from Obama.


And did we (EU, US, GB...) hear much about that and/or exert much pressure on Erdogan? Did we f :rolleyes:


So, are we (EU, US, GB...) going to do much about Russian Foxbats precision-bombing rebel-held schools and hospitals in Syria? Will we f :rolleyes:


The US and the EU are the geopolitical Corbyns of the age. How the Chinese, Putin, the Saudis, the Israelis and pretty much the rest of the world must be laughing.


My prognostic? The US, France and GB are going to scale down their air campaign and assets, and let Putin have at it. You just watch.

I think you'll find he's done his fair share of geopolitical learning over the past decade and a bit, and he's got all the lessons just fine: he's been giving the world a masterclass in realpolitik for 2 to 3 years now, and he's far from done...and we're letting him.




And that's exactly how wars start. We let them get away with it, give em plenty of slack and then they overstep the mark one day.


Sooner or later, possibly after Obama has stepped down Putin is going to find himself eyeball to eyeball with Obama's successor

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My prognostic? The US, France and GB are going to scale down their air campaign and assets, and let Putin have at it. You just watch.




Yep the balance of power is now starting to shift and it looks like a

new axis is being formed, Russia/Iran/China and a new world order could be emerging.

And if your prognosis on USA,GB,FR staying on the sidelines is correct then the entire Middle East could slowly fall under the control of the Iranian/Russian alliance.(Iraq could be next) China would probably support this as well in exchange for Russian/Iranian support for China displacing the US influence in Asia.

do you really think USA.GB,FR.will sit by and let this happen?

bearing in mind putin is a master of deceit ex kgb vlad wants back into the Middle East and this is the perfect opportunity to "sneak" in and establish a foothold.


---------- Post added 02-10-2015 at 03:44 ----------


And that's exactly how wars start. We let them get away with it, give em plenty of slack and then they overstep the mark one day.


Sooner or later, possibly after Obama has stepped down Putin is going to find himself eyeball to eyeball with Obama's successor




Putin has been bullying Obama and the free world for a couple of years now, and Obama's response has always been being surprised, annoyed,. Putin knows Obama is weak, indecisive on foreign policy. etc. Bullies never stop until they are confronted, but that is not within Obama's circle of competence, it seems.

Edited by johncocker
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Yep the balance of power is now starting to shift and it looks like a

new axis is being formed, Russia/Iran/China and a new world order could be emerging.

And if your prognosis on USA,GB,FR staying on the sidelines is correct then the entire Middle East could slowly fall under the control of the Iranian/Russian alliance.(Iraq could be next) China would probably support this as well in exchange for Russian/Iranian support for China displacing the US influence in Asia.

do you really think USA.GB,FR.will sit by and let this happen?

bearing in mind putin is a master of deceit ex kgb vlad wants back into the Middle East and this is the perfect opportunity to "sneak" in and establish a foothold.


---------- Post added 02-10-2015 at 03:44 ----------





Putin has been bullying Obama and the free world for a couple of years now, and Obama's response has always been being surprised, annoyed,. Putin knows Obama is weak, indecisive on foreign policy. etc. Bullies never stop until they are confronted, but that is not within Obama's circle of competence, it seems.



Imposing sanctions on Russia has hurt Putin a lot and with the price of oil dropping through the floor the Russian economy must be running rather ragged these days.

China's economy is no better either. Their stock market has tumbled and factories struggling to stay in business.


As for Iran the deal we reached with them is a joke. The sanctions were really hurting their economy which was proved when a country like that and ruled by a bunch of western hating fanatics sought to come to a deal with the "Great Satan" and it's allies.

Had we tightened the sanctions even more it would have hastened the end of the rule by the hard liner Mullahs but now instead this deal is only good for ten years after which Iran would be free to pursue it's nuclear ambitions without further interference from the west.


I don't see Russia, China or Iran displacing the US in that part of the world anytime soon. If they get bogged down in the war in Syria by trying to kill Syrian rebels in order to keep Assad in power and at the same time attempting to destroy ISIS with air strikes which so far carried out by the US and a few allies achieving only mediocre success then Putin could find himself in a hole of his own making with powerful countries like Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries becoming hostile to his policies and should the Russian people go against the war then Putin might just like other Russian dictators in the past suddenly disappear into obscurity


Meanwhile the US and NATO should be bolstering up the Ukraine defence forces with tanks, artillery and fighter planes and also inviting the Ukraine to join the EU and NATO.


As you say Putin is a bully who has got the measure of Obama but faced with a far different American leader he'd soon start back pedaling

Edited by Harleyman
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do you really think USA, GB, FR will sit by and let this happen?
Based on past and current form, absolutely.


Obama is the weakest president on foreign policy for decades, and just going through the barest of motions. He's also snookered politically, by supporting the rebels rather than Syria's legitimate government, which rebels Putin is now going to steamroll come-what-may (...and what's Obama going to do about it: more sanctions? take down Russian Migs?)


Cameron is very smart (and/or very well advised) but effectively playing chess when this should be fought like a boxing match.


Hollande is long out of money, out of influence domestically and internationally, and soon out of office. The recent strikes are just token statements to try and stem his political free-falling at home, no more effective that the UK's (far cheaper) predator strikes in the grand scheme of things.


Putin's playing a blinder here, he'll come out of this smelling of roses whichever way it pans out. The West just slept-walked into it. And I'd wager a core reason is that he's absolutely unconcerned about parliamentary opposition, rules of engagement and any other 'nicey-nice' features of the West making the West fight with one or two hands tied behind its back. We should have outstmarted him rather than sat on our collective thumbs, and don't anyone tell me western intelligence and governments didn't see his agenda and how he'd play his hand years ago. :(

Edited by L00b
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This needs very careful independent monitoring. I believe we are not getting honest information on what's really happening, and haven't been for a while.


No its about time someone gave them a good pasting. Unfortunately our parliament voted against action and the result is lots of displaced people. I am not Putins biggest fan but I agree with him on this one.

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The West refuses to get heavily involved in Syria because their electorates won't like it. Putin has no problem with that because his elections are rigged he is massively popular and wins no matter what.


Constant appeasement of Putin, as has happened in Ukraine/Crimea will only last for so long. It's a shame that the Russian people don't have the spirit of 1917 because a country of that size really needs democracy rather than a being led by a short bald man with a big ego.

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