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Russia now bombing Syria

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I was telling people months ago this would happen. Months ago! Its been on the cards since America put their puppet into the Ukraine to take Russia's eye off Syria.

Weve got some bad times on the horizon. This isnt going to stay in Syria for long.

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According to CNN this morning the Russians are carrying out air strikes against Syrian rebels and NOT ISIS. Putin tells US air force to stay out of Syria. Pentagon quote "taken aback" by Russian actions. Interesting times ahead !


I think NORAD will be able to take out Russian missiles before they reach Alaska but Putin might just be able to hit major western European cities before Moscow is burned to rubble.


Doctor Strangelove good to see you back :hihi:

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I think NORAD will be able to take out Russian missiles before they reach Alaska but Putin might just be able to hit major western European cities before Moscow is burned to rubble.


I should point out that Russia has 24 operational nuclear submarines [LINK]. Some of these will be on station off the US coast (in international waters).

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This needs very careful independent monitoring. I believe we are not getting honest information on what's really happening, and haven't been for a while.


i think we need to keep our nose out of Russia s business and let him get on with it! at last something is being done, the rebels and IS need to be stopped, then we might be able to get the situation stabilised.

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i think we need to keep our nose out of Russia s business and let him get on with it! at last something is being done, the rebels and IS need to be stopped, then we might be able to get the situation stabilised.


Are you aware that the West (including the UK) support the rebels in their attempts to overthrow the Assad regime ?

And that if Russia start hitting the US backed and armed rebel groups, the US might not take too kindly to that :(

I don't think anyone has any objection to Russia hitting ISIS but it appears they are not doing that.

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This needs very careful independent monitoring. I believe we are not getting honest information on what's really happening, and haven't been for a while.


Some of us have but then that depends on where you look for the news.

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