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Owls next season


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I'm confident that some decent money will be getting put in, if money is no object ( which won't be the case )then I would keep westwood,loovens, lees and replace the rest.That won't happen but a couple of wingers and sign mcgugan and Keane would be a good start ,Ben Marshall and Connor wickham would be nice aswell.

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As a must we need to keep the core of a capable team together, players that can either make a significant impact off the bench or a player who is solid at his job that can be relied on, and in all honesty i reckon there is only Semedo,Magugan,Westwood,Lee,Loovens and...Nuhiu. He may miss sitters but he is a lump so we know what were getting, worth keeping the big guy over May,on sitters alone May is clear favourite, if were serious about a promotion push then we,along with every other club aiming for promotion in any league, need a proven goalscorer.

Hutchinson is too fragile and too hotheaded to be worth keeping, maghoma isn't good enough, most of the others are replaceable but do what they do well enough so neither here nor there with them, if we could land Will Keane for a full season id be tempted to try and offload May, I doubt we'd get anything close to what we paid on this season's performance so far so a loan would be way with that for me.

All in all I think the general consensus with Wednesday is that we have the makings of a competitive top 6 side, and IF significant funds are injected, then a promotion push is achievable. The sides going down and possibly coming up,apart from maybe Sunderland won't alter anything significantly,

Myself I'd be happy with a finish in 7th and the money spent bringing Hillsborough into the 21st century.

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I am more than happy with the goalkeeping department, and the defence is more than capable when we are injury free.Everyone knows we need two wingers, and a creative midfield player.Now to upset a few,Nuhui is just not good enough for all his trying his job is to score goals, i,ll give May a little longer but would be open to offers. We need a squad of around twenty five players so i don,t see future for Madine, McCabe, Corry, Floro, and Coke. Would be good if we could keep the loanees. Knowone knows what SG will get to spend,(and i do hope it is SG) he ,s done a good job so far. One thing for sure is we will play on a good surface, and i would think it will not be long before the west end is redeveloped. I fully expect us to be competing for a play off place to built on this seasons midtable place.

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Like Alan says no problems in the goalkeepers.

The defence is ok but an addition is needed to cover,center half especially.

Midfield,if we sign Lewis,Semedo,Hutchinson needs more time and a calmer,Lee and a playmaker bought would see us ok.

Defo a winger or 2,Magohma is not good enough,the Saints lad on loan if any good I wonder if we could buy him,otherwise can't see the point.

I still think May will come good,big Dave,handy to bring on if needed so another good striker needed.

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the Saints lad on loan if any good I wonder if we could buy him,otherwise can't see the point.


He's just (this week) signed a new 2yr deal so no. We're part of his development. Possible loan next season at best but I'd hope we don't take that route.


For me, its all about the manager next season

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I am hoping for investment in the midfield in particular. A proven goalscorer won't go amiss, but we shouldn't make it take precedence over the wingers which is clearly our weakest position (both right and left).


I think we won't quite get to the top next season, so will wait patiently, an improvement on this season will be the minimum though.

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Once the new manager is in place, (late May I guess), he can hopefully keep/sign McGugan, Keane, Westwood, Lees, Loovens and maybe Lee, get rid of the rest and then sign some quality players starting with a goal scorer - a proven one in at this level or above.

I hope we don't do what we have done for years and that is sign/loan a load of players who are no better than the ones we already have - it's quality, not quantity we need.

I hope this new owner really goes for it, spends daft amounts of money (to us), and makes us THE club that quality players want to sign for in this division. I don't care how he does it, the wilder the better!! I hope this is the end of the years of dross, mediocrity (at best), and gets rid of the mentality of the, 'oh well, we've steadily improved again this season', brigade.

Just buy the bloody league title!!

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If we mean to trouble the top 6 next season then we need to invest in players of FAR better quality,and bringing to an end the S6 careers of the likes of Zayette,Mattock,Corry Mccabe Hutch Buxton Nuhiu and May who was deadfull the other night at Wolves.

Wel need to add height and strenght in midfield,pace down the flanks and upfront,with competition for leftback and centre defence.

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Christ, Wednesday fans are clueless about football.


The careers of players like Stevie May, Adthe Nuhiu, Caolan Lavery will flourish and yet some people think we're going to bin them and go after the likes of Connor Wickham, who has no need to drop down to this level and will have PLENTY of suitors in the summer.


Wake up for crying out loud!


People are letting a mediocre season cloud their judgement. Yes we have lots of deadwood to get rid of. But just be realistic for a second. We will be going into next season with far better preparation and a better pitch than this season. We hopefully won't be as unlucky with injuries.


Buxton, Zayatte, Kirkland, Coke, Corry, McCabe will all leave, maybe Helan, Maghoma will follow if we have enough funds. We will struggle to keep hold of Lees and Westwood.


We need to keep players like Lee, Maguire, Palmer, Mattock, Nuhiu, Lavery and May for continuity, they are all very able players at this level and have shown in flashes ability which would put them in a top 6 team.


If we can have a better preparedness and continuity around the squad, there's no reason that with a couple of very good signings we can't be bang in the top 10 next season.


But most of you need to wake up, clubs don't just storm this league overnight, you need to continually build and improve 5-10% each season until you have a unit that can compete over a season and that's when you have a chance.


Don't forget all the upheaval we've had this season, and S Gray hasn't had a single transfer window yet where he knew who the owner would be at the end of it and what his budget was.


Let's now allow him to build towards a target, not continue the revolving door aiming towards moving goalposts.

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