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Everything posted by Something

  1. Maybe they should have reduced the ticket prices, with it being an 'extra' game.
  2. Middlesbrough, Preston, Plymouth.
  3. Speak for yourself. I'd be happy never to play each other again!
  4. If it wasn't for Keiren Westwood and Tom Lees we would have been relegated around the same time as Blackpool.
  5. Radio Sheffield obviously copying the model of this section of the forum.
  6. Sorry. Couldn't happen to a nicer manager and club.
  7. Oh dear, oh dear. Couldn't happen to a nicer manager. ---------- Post added 25-04-2015 at 17:10 ---------- Bloody Derby!
  8. Deary me! What was that all about?! I think Uncle Stuart's instructions were, 'Go out there and just pretend you've never met each other before, and don't worry, I'll keep the donkey on the bench today' Clear the lot out and roll on next season.
  9. I wouldn't worry too much potty. Only two games to go and hopefully we will only hear one of those names next season.
  10. After watching them play Derby on Saturday, 4-1 to them.
  11. I think Bus will be a good signing but I just wish he would stop falling over like hes been shot everytime he feels the breeze ruffle his shirt. The tw*t.
  12. According to Stuart, one of Lavery or Bus - can't remember which, had a calf injury.
  13. Much better performance than last week. I've said it a thousand times, never mind his miss today, Nuhiu has never been a footballer. Hopefully we will only see three or four of this squad next season and he should be the first one shown the door. Oh, and Uncle Stuart is on now saying he can't complain about the effort and committment. Well Stuart, effort and committment alone with average/poor players will get you nowhere. Rant over. Lavery mom for me.
  14. 'In my experience the best panels consist of two people - with one on holiday' Ken Bates.
  15. Exactly. It's been like it for weeks! A choice between this and a relegation battle? It's a close one.
  16. It won't, but it could be cost effective in the long run compared to digging it up and re seeding/growing it every season like they have been doing - on top of known poor/non existent drainage. I wonder if while they are at it they will level it too?
  17. Apparently digging down 8ft when they do the new pitch. It's a slow news month!
  18. And he hasn't started wearing womens clothes yet, so it's not too bad - yet.
  19. http://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/uk/holy-saturday
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