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Mass shootings in America

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America has mental health problems portrayed as gun problems. Chicago has stricter gun laws than the UK- Yet it has the highest gun homicide rate in the states. Switzerland has the most lax gun laws and ownership per capita in the world, yet it has almost zero gun crimes.


How many mass school shootings in Chicago?

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Yep, I agree. Don't know how it will come about though.

In the meantime a ban on people with mental health problems buying or owning weapons has to be the starting point though?

How anyone can defend people with mental issues being able to legally purchase assault rifles is beyond me. It is indefensible.


Technically I have a mental health issue so would you ban me from having a gun? We need to be careful not to stigmatise people with non-violent or dangerous mental health conditions while making sure we stop those who are a threat to buying guns. Hard one to do.

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Technically I have a mental health issue so would you ban me from having a gun? We need to be careful not to stigmatise people with non-violent or dangerous mental health conditions while making sure we stop those who are a threat to buying guns. Hard one to do.


I believe a mental health issue here in the UK would preclude you from owning a shotgun or firearms licence.

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I believe a mental health issue here in the UK would preclude you from owning a shotgun or firearms licence.


Of any kind? Saying a mental health issue is much like saying 'an injury'. Over 10% of people are on anti-depressants so you can imagine the kinds of numbers of people who haven't seen anyone about a problem and are just living with it. I'm just saying it's far too wide a statement to 'ban' anyone with a mental health issue. Perhaps everyone should just be banned for owning a gun? Sorted.

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Technically I have a mental health issue so would you ban me from having a gun? We need to be careful not to stigmatise people with non-violent or dangerous mental health conditions while making sure we stop those who are a threat to buying guns. Hard one to do.

OK, fair point. But if you had anger management problems and had made threats against others like this kid had, on top of mental health issues then a ban would be the only sensible option.

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It can't be long before Michael Moore makes a sequel to Bowling For Columbine. What a bunch of gun loving buttheads in the USofA

I have a strong feeling this thread will forever be in the top twenty of postings because until the NRA is decapitated by some gutsy political entity, this crap is not going away anytime soon

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