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  1. It's almost like the Brexiters are just not listening here to what the actuality is. Mind you there has been a good five years of that so far... I wanted some 725 making up for a small project - needs a custom forging made and usually I'd go to a couple of places in Sheffield. Not a big order not even for them but worthwhile enough that they would be happy to take the order. I got it from Hitatchi this time. It's far easier, and way less aggravation to get it from Japan to Italy than from UK to Italy these days. Even though the base cost was a fair bit higher, still worth doing so...
  2. I notice you never said anything about failures. You decided to impose the considerable risk of that on everyone as well. I did. I married an Italian and so I get to keep all the benefits of the EU, and eject the jingoistic millstone just off the coast of France. For me it's a winner all ways round. hahahahaha... really? You think I'm going to help them? I've got no duty to help them at all and I will go out of my way to purchase from other suppliers specifically to spite them. They can drown in the disaster of their own making and eat the dirt as far as I am concerned they deserve all the pain they are getting. You want to see some of the construction contracts I'm involved with - they even ban contractors from using JCB kit because of their support for Brexit.
  3. Well there is little to be positive about the UK now, and to be honest - I'm quite happy for it to fail hard and fast as a warning to others who decide to leave the EU. Achieve it's potential? I don't give a rat's ass if it does to be honest any more. The UK made it's bed it can lie and rot into obscurity in it.
  4. Take me for example. Coeliac disease. Allergic to tree and peanuts. Almost every single vegetarian and vegan food uses nuts or legumes to get the protein up. I simply cannot eat them. Notwithstanding medical advice that I should not ever try to be vegetarian as that is likely to end up with me in kwashorkor...
  5. Well it's not their right. In my case if they tried that they would walk straight into a Equality Act minefield as soon as they imposed it...
  6. No, she's not. Really she is not entitled to it. I'm sick to death of the trope that "oh thatss my opinion and I'm entitled to it and you are being unreasonable for saying it's wrong so jog on" It's a cowards way out from people who are not willing, who are not able, or who know their argument is indefensible. It's used to shut down debate and it's entirely utterly wrong. Things like what your favourite colour is, or if you prefer ska over blues, or whats the best place to go on holiday - those are opinions. Everyone has one and it's theirs and that's fine because these things are not amenable to qualification - if you like wearing blue with green polka dots that's your opinion and mine that you look like a hippie is fine to have as well. When you get to matters of science and public policy, though it changes. I have opinions on nuclear power. They are backed up by science. I can prove my position. If you decide, especially without scientific training to go against those opinions and spout ill founded alarmist rubbish I'll call you out. If your opinion is that everyone in Chernobyl died and it's dangerously radioactive that opinion is wrong. I've been there. I can prove otherwise. That means you do not get to have your opinion are wrap it up in "it's mine and you are mean to say I'm not allowed to hold it." Your opinion is wrong. If you decide that your opinion on vaccination is different to medically trained professionals which 150+ years of experimental science to back them up your opinion is wrong. You can have an opinion on the public debate about how to vaccinate. But you do not get to claim vaccines are wrong or harmful. That is your opinion and your opinion is wrong and indefensible, so go get a new one. Now she stated her opinion. Thats fine. She can have it. But her opinion is racist. IT will get called out. And wrapping it up as she is entitled to her opinion (and so stop being mean to her) doesn't fly. She exhibits racist opinions. She's a racist. You are defending her. You are defending a racist. Do you really want to be doing that?
  7. I never got the MMR. I got measles instead. There simply wasnt a measles vaccine available. Only one of my classmates died from measles though. People forget that it's occassionally lethal. I did get a smallpox vaccine though. You dont get that these days. Vaccination eradicated smallpox.
  8. MMR is not used any more. It used to be the 5 in one now it's a six in one. Theres no reason to inject individually and there never was.
  9. It is. I cannot see why either of you cannot understand it, save for your prejudice.
  10. No. He really did not. This is fake news that keeps doing the rounds and a good reason to fact check things - which with the modern whizzy internet is easy... https://www.quora.com/Is-Jeremy-Corbyn-s-expenses-record-the-most-notably-honest-in-history-of-the-British-Parliament "In fact, interestingly his expenses record is significantly worse than Theresa May’s. If you look at http://www.mpsexpenses.info you’ll find she actually claimed less than Corbyn every single year since 2010, " Now I dont think Corbyn was necessarily doing anything wrong. But it certainly wasn't the lowest....
  11. I'm terribly sorry I dare to havea different opinion from you. Perhaps you are not as persuasive as you thought. Where do you get these odds from then? Also, despite the fact that apparantly your percentages tell you that the odds are low, you acknowedge that it is possible. So why not try then instead of just discarding them?
  12. I'll ask the point again since you wont give the courtesy of answering it... Do you know that for certain? I think it's incumbent on a civilised society to try and rehabilitate all people regardless of how hopeless it may be.
  13. You know that for certain? I think it's incumbent on a civilised society to try and rehabilitate all people regardless of how hopeless it may be.
  14. You think that the UK is naive to terrorism but we've been dealing with it since the Troubles. You treat them as criminals - not like some special people.
  15. The police apparantly thought some guy called De menezes was wearing a belt as well and they shot him for it.....
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