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Nigel Womersle

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Everything posted by Nigel Womersle

  1. They will probably tell you that you need to complete a mail redirection form and pay the appropriate fee. I worked for them for forty five years. Give their Customer Service on 0845 7740740 and explain the situation to them. Good luck with it.
  2. Three weeks ago I saw the same thing, policeman on mobile whilst driving. This was on Pontefract Road at Brampton Bierlow. The time was 1300 hours.
  3. Yes it most certainly is. I worked for Royal Mail for 45 years.
  4. Ring Royal Mail Customer Service Centre on 0845 7740740.
  5. Sorry, but I have never heard of Rachel Bool at all. Am I missing something?
  6. I remember going to see the Cinerama show on Division Street. The film was 'This is Cinerama'. It was amazing in those days. I think three projectors were used as there was two definite joins on the screen (to give the really wide screen effect). However, it was an experience and we really did enjoy it.
  7. Tommy's sister died three weeks ago. I attended her funeral service. They were part of an old and much liked Ecclesfield family.
  8. You may not believe this but it is true. This afternoon I saw a police car, and its driver was using a mobile phone.
  9. There is a banner on the Ecclesfield Aldi store stating that it will open on 11 July.
  10. Hi M. Chapeltown Library used to sell the local history books. They were crammed with old photographs. Perhaps they still do sell them. Failing that it would be a good idea to contact Mel Jones of the Chapeltown and High Green Archive Society. I remember you and Julie, both your parents too. I also remember your Pickering Grandparents when they lived in Johnson Lane. I know your cousin James. Good luck with your project.
  11. The Chapeltown Library used to sell books with photographs on these subjects. They may still do.
  12. That's ok then. Just didn't want you to have a wasted journey. When I looked at the SYT it was for the year 1921. They were the actual newspapers. I used to go in my lunch hour as I worked in Pond Street, Sheffield. Only five minutes from the library. Good luck in finding what you want. ---------- Post added 24-04-2013 at 01:44 ---------- Top row, second left is Michael Stanyon. The vicar is the Rev, CRJ Hayes, and bottom row, immediate left is Mrs Doris Bamforth.
  13. I visited the South Yorkshire Times archive a few years ago. However it was in Sheffield Central Library. I made the mistake of going to Doncaster first. Give Sheffield Central Library a ring. Hope this helps.
  14. It is 230 The Wheel and just by the turn off to Cinder Hill Lane. Honest. Walter Walker lived there, followed by Mr & Mrs Sanders. It is now the vicarage. I was the village postman for 24 years and knew them well. ---------- Post added 20-04-2013 at 18:39 ---------- Could you post the photograph on her for us please. ---------- Post added 20-04-2013 at 18:40 ---------- Ralph Brooke was a complete bar steward. There is nothing anyone can say about him that is nice.
  15. Arthur Hoyland is my cousin and he is very much alive. You are spot on about his age. He is still in Ecclesfield.
  16. As former RM employee, I can tell you they certainly do not get any discout on its services at all. ---------- Post added 10-04-2013 at 19:09 ---------- As former RM employee, I can tell you they certainly do not get any discout on its services at all. They do get some stamps at Christmas as a gift.
  17. I started work in March 1959. My wage was £3-0-0. I came out with £2.17.7. I got 10/- each week spending money. The job was absolutely lousy. I walked out of it at the end.
  18. I had a walk past it last weekend. It doesn't look as if there is anything inside yet.
  19. The owner of the pet was most rude. She ought to be ashamed of herself. Perhaps lager and cigarettes come first. Sorry, but that is how I feel - and I did say perhaps. I have a dog and love him to bits.
  20. Peter Jay came from Great Yarmouth. He was a friend of my cousin who lives there still. Peter later bought the Windmill Theatre on the Marine Parade.
  21. Brightside and Carbrook 59275. Barnsley British 17882.
  22. Dorothy Vernon was brilliant in 'The Stirrings'. Others I remember were 'The Black sheep of the family', 'John Willy and the bee people', Brittania's Boys'. I think that one was the last production prior to closure. I remember 'Listen for the trains love','Ring O'Roses','Events that happened whilst guarding the bofor's gun'. 'The Caretaker'. I am sure others will spring to mind.
  23. Sorry, don't remember Gary W, but he must be older than me. The only David Bennett I knew was the son of Peter Bennett the butcher at the corner of Church Street and Priory Road. David died many years ago - quite young at the time, but older than me.
  24. Hi M. I remember Garth and his sister Celia. I think he had a brother too, but I can't remember his name. I knew his wife and both his parents too. I got on with them very well. Sorry to hear of his passing.---------- Post added 08-03-2013 at 19:26 ---------- [/color] I remember you Graham. I remember Cedric and his parents too. I also remember your parents at 112. I remember your Uncle Ron too. I knew Alwyn best. I remember Keith and his sister Sandra, their parents as well.
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