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  1. I'd be very surprised if you were able to get a black and white tv these days. I would have suggested using your current modern tv, going into settings and turning the colour off if you want to watch programs in black and white. I remember back in the fifties and early sixties people hoping for colour tv's to be be made, the nearest they got to a colour tv was to purchased a cellophane 3 coloured screen which would attach to the tv screen......only trouble with that was colours were un-natural and by example, people's faces would be green whilst the rest of their body would be a mix of blue and red.
  2. I too went to Springfield school in the mid-fifties with it being nearest to my home in Victoria street, firstly going to the infants and then onto the Juniors. My headmaster and headmistress was Mr and Mrs Holdsworth, and I remember well Miss Hall who use to play the piano in the lower hall whilst we danced pretending to be trees in the wind - nasty old bad tempered woman. Mrs holdsworth took my class to Beuachief Abbey to do brass rubbings on some of the old graves and afterwards took all the class to her house where she gave us cakes and orange juice in her garden. One year whilst at junior school, myself and a girl named Sandra South were awarded a free pass to any swimming baths in Sheffield with us being the best boy and girl swimmers in the school ( we were taken to Glossop Road baths by the school once a week ). After being in the juniors I went to Tapton. Although I'm now 71 years of age, I remember everything in clarity about my time in both the infants and the juniors.
  3. Victoria Street just below the former Glossop Road Swimming Baths. Has A Child, use to sit with my friends on the kerb of the road with a twig picking tar from amongst the cobblestone road. Would go to the top of Victoria street with a skate, put a book on it, sit on the skate and speed down the skate. Wednesday's was washing day and the tub would come out with the posher and washing board - that's before we got a twin tub from Wigfalls. Friday the pop man would come round in his lorry, we had six bottles of pop , which we would put on a stone table in the cellar if it was cold in the cellar, the bottles would sometimes explode. Friday night was also bath night.....the old tin bath would come out infront of the fire. Christmas time, the salvation army would gather at the bottom of the street to play Christmas Carols despite snow being on the ground and icicles some 12 inches in length hanging from the roof guttering. People in general were much more friendly towards each other.
  4. Reading In The Star And On The Web: 4 goats have been killed by persons unknown at Graves Park between 6pm Friday 21st Oct - Saturday 7am 22nd Oct. What Sort Of People can do this to an innocent animal that brings joy to both Children and Adults. It'll be some low life (s) high on drugs no doubt . When You Look What's happening around the world, makes you wonder what sort of world we're living it....... Drugs Rapes Muggings Stabbings Murders Famine and droughts Conflicts in different countries During the late 70's there use to be a bloke on Fargate near Boots with a plackard that said ' The end is nigh ' it makes you wonder doesn't it !
  5. I have a 2 x 12 guitar speaker cabinet, both 8ohm speakers are wired in parallel to give a 4ohm load. I wanted to change the wiring so that both speakers worked independently on their jack sockets, each giving an 8ohm load. Having taken out the link between the two speakers so they do work now independently, expected to be able to plug into either of the jack sockets and just have one speaker working...........No. Both Speakers are still active despite the fact they have no link, I disabled one speaker by taking off its cable connection and tried that, but still both speakers were coming on. How can a speaker work when its got no signal going to it ? Has the title states:- I am totally confused.
  6. The government Guide lines for compulsory wearing of face coverings in shops from the 24th July:- An important issue has been overlooked here........ if you need to ask an assistant a question that requires an answer and you are either deaf or hard of hearing and dependent upon lip reading, how are you suppose to understand what is being said if they are wearing a face covering. Regretfully my hearing has gone completely, I don't sign and cannot get any benefit from the use of hearing aids, I am fully dependent on my ability to lip read, from the beginning to the present day of Corvid, it has been a nightmare for me in trying to understand what people are saying - I'm sure there are others out there in my situation experiencing the same problem. What are deaf / hard of hearing people suppose to do........ not go to the shops at all because of the fear of not being able to tell what people are saying to them ?
  7. My wife and I now in our sixties were reminiscing about the times we use to go to the Top Rank Suite has teenagers on a Tuesday night, and all the good songs that had us freaking out on the dance floor - maybe some of you will remember these songs and be able to add your own favourites: Hickory Hollers Tramp We'll fly high in the sky (Amen Corner) Soul Finger The Clapping Song Wooley Bully
  8. So many good things about the 60's................................. I use to buy my clothes from Sexy Rexy's near Furnival Gate, remember buying a pair of black crushed velvet flared trousers that I use to wear with a 2 inch wide white belt, platform shoes with the soles and heels that high you could put scaffolding up to them and a granddad vest which was the fashion those days. Along came Austin Reeds at the opposite side of the road selling mod gear, I'd buy bits and bobs from them then go to Burtons at the top of Dixon Lane to get a double breasted suit on the tick.....I was kitted out then has a Mod. The groups at that time were marvellous - I cannot say who my favourite group was, has there were so many: Small Faces, Dave Clarke 5, Hollies, The Beatles to name just a few. A few people on here have mentioned a 'Special Song' - San Francisco - one of my favourites was 'Monday Monday' by The Mama's and papa's.
  9. In response to what Halibut said about me being daft in my being annoyed....... If they had given me £10 for the pedal I would have been satisfied with that and they would have still made 100% profit on the resale. Secondly, I read on their site that items put for part exchange against other items would command a better price, that's why I took the pedal in the first place to try and get a reduction in the item I intended purchasing - if I had just took the pedal to sell it instead of putting it in part exchange they would have probably still given me £5 for it..........................still think its a fair deal ? The pedal I sold is a popular make of pedal and I know for definite they wouldn't have any problem in selling it. If the pedal didn't have its original packaging, instructions and shown signs of wear, I can understand their reluctance to give me more for it, but the pedal had hardly been used and was has I've said already 'AS NEW' Regarding trying to sell anything on here, theirs more chance of Nelson getting his eye back......all you get on here is either Timewasters or people who bicker about the price the item is advertised for !
  10. Thursday 21st March, I put a guitar effects pedal ( had little use and was packaged as new ) in part exchange against an amplifier I was going to purchase from a local music store, I was offered £5......Yes £5 for the pedal and although reluctant to accept this did so because I wouldn't be using it anymore having purchased a better model. Whilst browsing the music store's secondhand stock, saw the pedal I had sold them and been offered £5......it was offered for sale at £19. It annoyed me that they had offered it for sale at almost 200% profit - I understand that they are in business to make money, but at 200% profit ........not very fair is it ? Would you be annoyed ?
  11. Hobbing Foot: I've still got one and still use it to repair my wife's shoes and my own. Got a bit fed up taking my boots to place like Timpsons to have the soles replaced at a cost more than the boots were to buy, having the soles replaced and the boots heeled was looking at a £27 price tag. Ordered the soles and heels off Amazon did the job myself at a cost of about £11. Don't think it takes that much skill in using the hobbing foot.....all it is, is an extra pair of hands to hold the shoe in position whilst its being repaired.
  12. Every time I check the emails in my inbox I find I'm getting up to 20 spam messages, most of which are relating to Bitcoin or Meet Asian women. How do I prevent these messages from arriving at my computer ( in simple terms ). My ISP is Virgin Media, I have tried checking different boxes as to where to send the messages to but to no avail. In settings Virgin Media ask you to give the name and address of the sender, without opening any of these messages and risk getting a virus or whatever, how do I block these messages from coming through - I'm on the computer twice a day and each time I have this problem with a load of spam messages. Not being a computer person I don't know if this helps but I running Windows 7 SP1
  13. Way back in May of this year ( 2018 ) I had a professional gardener visit my home to cut down and remove a bush that had grown between a stone wall and my garden fence. The bush had grown to an approximate height of 8 feet and covered an area of approximately 20 feet in length, thick roots had made their way under the fence and into the garden and above the surface of the lawn. The bush was cut down and taken away, but before the gardener took it away, he hammered two copper plugs into the top of the newly cut off stump - copper plugs being of 25mm diameter by approximately 13mm in depth. He told my wife and I, this would kill off the stump but would take a few months to do so. Very recently, I have noticed new shoots growing off the stump and have removed them, I have asked at gardening centres if copper does kill off stumps - some have said Yes and other's have said No. Apart from chemical that are available to kill off the stump, I have read that Epsom Salt or Rock Salt if poured into drilled holes in the stump will kill the roots off - advice welcomed please.
  14. Remembering things my grandma use to say.................. Have you heard of these: San Pisall.........meaning: to strike someone. Soft brasened........meaning: being cheeky in either the way younger people address the older generation / or in the way they conduct themselves.
  15. No the body is not removed from the coffin..... 30 odd years ago, whilst employed with an electrical contractor we had a contract to do some work at City Road Crematorium, me and my mate were working in the crematoria and whilst in there saw the bloke operating the furnace waiting for the coffin to arrive from the rollers as the curtain shut. As soon as the coffin appeared, it was pushed into the furnace, the door closed and the gas taps turned on and ignited.......after a few minutes, the operator would shove a long metal pole ( 3 - 4 metres in length ) through an hole in the furnace door to break up the skeleton.
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