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Nigel Womersle

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Everything posted by Nigel Womersle

  1. I remember the Greengate discos very well. I used to go regularly. It was called 'The Tom Jones', having scenes from the same film painted on the walls in phosphorus colours. They stood out in the blue disco lighting, as did our white shirts.. Oh to have that drive and energy I had then.
  2. I remember the Greengate discos very well. I used to go regularly. It was called 'The Tom Jones', having scenes from the same film painted on the walls. Oh to have that drive and energy I had then.
  3. If anyone knew Eric Gregory who worked at Green's, I am sorry to tell you he died two weeks ago. His wife Betty died two months ago. I went to both funerals. A sad loss.
  4. Allan Womersley and my Dad were brothers. Sadly, Uncle Allan died in July 2009, after a long illness. He was 78. Aunt Ena and I share the same birthday, January 9.
  5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for that. Will try to. Cheers Nigel
  6. There is a Sheffield actress called Rita May. I have had a look at her profiles, but nothing is mentioned of her personal details (where born etc.)
  7. That's him. He now has two grown up daughters. He was only four when his own Mother died (she was my Dad's sister and I remember her really well). His Dad is still with us. Let me have a look in my 'document case'. There will be something.
  8. I am sure that my cousin David Lee was Headmaster there. At least I think he was. If so, I have a commemorative booklet on the school when it closed. I will have a look.
  9. The 'Bobs' were lethal in their time. Went on them many times. I used to go go to the Speedway too. There was an entrance from the speedway direct into the funfair.
  10. The 'Bobs' were lethal in their time. Went on them many times. I used to go go to the Speedway too. There was an entrance from the speedway direct into the funfair.
  11. If he lived in Church Street, Ecclesfield, I knew him well enough to talk to.
  12. My late Mother used to buy eggs from him. I remember him and his wife very well. I also remember his parents.
  13. I remember her and both her parents too, but I don't know where she went to from High Street. If my memory serves me well, her father was murdered by youths in a subway near the bottom of The Moor, perhaps over twenty five years ago.
  14. I only live 200 yards from the park and didn't know anything about it, apart from the choc-a-bloc traffic in the road. But that's nothing new these days. I shall have to open my eyes wider next year and go in. Glad everyone enjoyed it.
  15. It's from Ecclesfield Priory to Whitely Hall. I've seen both entrances, which, as you say, are blocked off.
  16. Yes, I do remember Les Hobson and his wife Cassie. At one time they lived in a caravan on the garage site, then 39 High Street. I remember Ian Woodhams too. I once had an argument with him regarding the the cost of a repair to my Mini. Keith married the girl next door (yes really). Valerie Slinn. I remember Phillip Cooper working at the garage too.
  17. Sorry M, that I don't know. To look at them together, I would say no, but who knows? Jack was the Errol Flynn type, whilst Harry was completely different in size etc. I remember him well.
  18. I THINK, I say think, I recognise Clarrie Osborne and Bob Hartley. I couldn't swear to it, as it's before my time. The scene where the children were waiting to use the slide, brought back a sad memory. In May of 1953 (might have been June), one of the girls in our class - Joy Bennett (from The Busy B in Townend Road) went down to the park one Monday evening. She tried to climb the slide by going up the chute. When near the top, she fell over the side and landed on her head on the concrete base. She only lived around forty eight hours. She really was a friend and I still have photographs of her, together with a book her parents (Cliffe and Edna) gave me in memory of her. There is an inscription inside. She was close on to her tenth birthday. What a disaster. She is buried near the church in the old churchyard. RIP Joy. The film itself is brilliant. I only wish my parents and family were still alive. I am sure they would have recognised a few faces. You can see William Green's Foundry quite clearly and also Scholes View before it was extended. Also the original cricket pavillion before it burnt down.
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