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Everything posted by ccit

  1. Perfect Fit from Dog Games - link. It has a chest ring so can be used with a double ended lead. The Bradway pet shop sells them and the owner will assess for the correct size pieces. They are expensive but should last for many years. They are washable. The Julius K9 saddle type harness is popular these days but would be best avoided for a dog like yours because in certain circumstances it can slip over the head. Also, they are arguably not ergonomic due to the position on the shoulder joint. If possible, try to do some training to improve the pulling. Short, frequent sessions are best.
  2. Dog Walking Fields. Dog Walking Fields Facebook page.
  3. Tinfoilhat - you may be interested in this thread about the Julius K9, in particular the diagrams and video. This video is also helpful as it looks at the shoulder movement of the dog and how it can be impeded by the position of certain types of harness. There might be some different Julius harnesses that don’t hinder the shoulder movement. In reviews of the K9 various owners point out that their dog has got out of it, even though it was fitted correctly.
  4. Abbeyster - what breed and age is the dog? It's doubtful that speying has caused this aggression. You say that you have "tried reactive dog training and it kind of helped." Is the reason that it stopped helping is because you gave up on the advice or were not consistent? Consider seeing the behaviourist again for advice. The fear aggression could be ingrained now and you might need to concentrate on how to manage it rather than how to cure her of it. For safety and to comply with the law you should keep your dog on a lead in public places.
  5. You have a point and much of it is because there are so many products to choose from. However, if you take a few minutes to get comfortable with reading the ingredient list then it all becomes clearer. Beta dog food is made by one of the big four (maybe five) companies who manufacture dog food and IMHO you are better sticking with smaller companies who are actually interested in canine nutrition. Take a look at Beta Adult formula and you will see the problems with it. Some of the Royal Canin varieties are reviewed on the linked website and it can be clearly seen why they don't score very highly. There are better and cheaper products that are worth seeking out. Additionally, paying a bit more can be cost effective because dogs sometimes need less of it. It's worth finding a decent quality food that suits the dog as it often pays dividends in terms of health and well-being. Tripe is thought to be good for dogs but as part of a balanced diet, not in entirety. For anyone who is feeding extruded dry food, it could perhaps be suitable as a topper.
  6. Tinfoilhat - the link between hyperactivity and food is, AFAIK unproven. However, my opinion is the same as Willman’s. If you want more advice/information it would be useful if you could say what brand of food you are using. Dogs digest animal protein far easier than protein that is derived from other sources eg plant/grain. Clear labelling is essential. The better quality foods will always have a named protein (meat) source right at the top of the list of ingredients. A puppy needs a minimum of 30% protein due to their rapid growth. Anything in the ingredient list with the word ‘derivative’ behind it is best avoided because you simply don’t know what it consists of. You should be able to recognise all the principle ingredients so you know exactly what is going into pup’s body. A dog doesn’t have a great need for carbohydrate but most kibbles contain a lot because it is needed to form it in the extruder. The better carbohydrates are brown rice and sweet potato because they have some nutritive value to the dog. You can check your current food on the Dog Food Directory of the All About Dog Food website. Lots of other information on there too.
  7. Euclid11 - you might already know about Greyhound Rescue South Yorkshire and TIA. If you haven’t done it already, perhaps you might want to discuss your requirements with their helpers. If you are near S8, it might be useful to call in at Bradway pet shop because IIRC the proprietor has some involvement with one of the rescues. Greyhounds seem to look relaxed and easy to get on with but maybe a bit risky to let them off the lead.
  8. Stealthy - organisations like Guide Dogs for the Blind sometimes have to reject older pups in training because of some quite minor problem that would make them not quite right to be used by a person with sight loss. These dogs are usually still quite young and might make a suitable pet for your son. Older dogs can be a better bet for some people. If you are interested, it is possible that member Fabcakes might be able to advise because IIRC she has a guide dog herself.
  9. Stealthy - generalizing about the traits/merits of this or that breed of dog can go very wrong because there can be different personality types within any one breed. It might be worth considering going back to one of these assistance dog charities in order to take their advice on what to look for in a suitable dog. Failing that, why not take a trip to Discover Dogs next month? You would be able to look over many different types of dogs and discuss the matter with experienced breeders/owners. The Kennel Club has a puppy finder section and this should go some way to helping you to find a suitable pet. Look for a breeder who knows their breed inside out and who has been breeding for some years because they will be in the best position to advise about temperament. A calm, gentle disposition can be the result of careful breeding for good temperament. It is really important that you find a suitable pet so take your time and be very careful. You want a well bred and socialized puppy from an owner who has bred the pups in the home and have therefore been accustomed to handling and household noises. Goes without saying that you want to see the mum with the pups and have a good look at her to make sure that she is the mother. Good breeders will question you carefully and will want to help. They will also give you lifetime support.
  10. While there is some truth in this, not all of it is correct. There are some very good complete products on the market these days in a variety of formats eg air/freeze dried, cold pressed, extruded, freshly cooked, wet. Home cooked dog food is a good way of feeding a dog as long as the owner has done the research and gets the proportions/nutrition right. It is particularly important to supplement with calcium because it is unlikely that a dog will get sufficient from the diet unless given bone. Pure Pet Food sell Vegi Mix which can make home cooking for the dog easier. Just add protein of choice. It has added minerals. There are some companies who are starting up in selling fresh cooked dog food, Butternut Box being one. They are very good products but are expensive at the moment. This method of feeding dogs seems to be catching on and it could become quite trendy, as is the case at the moment with raw food. If it does, hopefully it might bring prices down. The website All About Dog Food is a useful starting point for anyone who is looking to improve their dog’s diet.
  11. Whether or not dogs sense fear is not the issue. How you feel about the situation is the important thing. You have asked these people to put the dog in another room and they have declined. It’s up to you whether you visit them but if you want an opinion, mine is that I would not go. I always put my dogs in another room when people visit because you cannot assume that everyone likes them and it is common courtesy to make visitors feel at ease.
  12. Kaytie - possibly you already know that all dog walkers do not necessarily read Sheffield forum. You have also not mentioned the road where you live so it is unlikely that your post will solve this problem. It clearly bothers you so maybe you need to be a bit more imaginative and proactive in finding a solution to this. We don't know your particular circumstances, but how about securing the lid in some way or turning the bin around so the lid is not so accessible? Perhaps something like this might help. Alternatively, a sign on the bin might elicit some cooperation from the dog walkers in your area. If you don't have too many steps, could you get some help to park the bin closer to your property? Perhaps a ramp to wheel it up? If none of these suits, maybe a close circuit television to find out who the culprit/s are?
  13. It’s good that you are wanting to do your best for her and that you are pragmatic. Your choice of a behaviourist rather than a dog trainer is sensible and I hope that you can find a good one who has a positive approach and can help you and your little dog. Hope that you enjoy each other’s company for many years ahead.
  14. I cannot help you with a specific recommendation but perhaps it might be helpful to have a look at the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors website. As the dog is an adult, I think you should be realistic as to what you can achieve with her. Perhaps with a gentle approach, and time she might improve a little but in my experience it is sometimes better to accept some behavioural limitations and to create a comfortable environment for the dog. A behaviourist could well assist you both in achieving this. Good luck and I hope that your little dog soon settles down.
  15. Bambi2356 - there are currently six litters listed in the Yorkshire and Humberside regions of the Kennel Club Puppy Finder. If you are experienced with the breed you will know that GSDs are prone to genetic disease, particularly hip dysplasia so do some research first. Before you buy a puppy, make absolutely certain that the sire and dam have had all the important screening tests and that the breeder is experienced. You might have to pay more for your puppy but it could save you a lot of expense and heartache in the future.
  16. It doesn’t help because we were discussing dogs being walked on roads without a lead. The information in the link is not pertaining specifically to this. Also, a ‘rule of thumb’ is just that and might not be actual law. It was a long time ago that I looked into the issue of dogs being walked without a lead on a road but at that time I was unable to find any legislation which indicated that it was prohibited except in streets that displayed a sign. There are some dogs that are well trained offlead and are under the control of the owner.
  17. vwkittie - the last time I checked, and discussed the matter with a dog warden I was surprised to learn that it is not an offence to walk a dog on a road without a lead but you must be in control of it. However, if there is a sign on the road (usually sited on a lampost) stipulating that dogs must be on a lead then yes, it is an offence not to obey. The local authority should know of all the roads in their area that are covered by this bylaw. If you could provide a link to the appropriate road traffic legislation it would be very helpful.
  18. There may be some roads and areas in which dogs have to be on a lead, in which case there should be signs. Some local authorities are considering enacting bylaws stipulating that dogs are kept on lead - link.
  19. Teeny - I admire your confidence and ability. However, you can never trust any dog 100%. Even highly trained working dogs sometimes err. Dogs are dogs and prone to instinct and drive, particularly when in a pack. Also, you never know what is round the corner. One off lead aggressive dog can cause mayhem. There is also the need to consider how other people feel about large numbers of off lead dogs; some would be quite alarmed, particularly in view of the fact that there is only one person in charge of the animals. Kidley's post is spot on. Dog walkers should use a lead at all times and only take a safe (small) number out at one time.
  20. It is hardly surprising that she is always hungry. As has been said, you are over exercising your puppy. She is burning up calories that she needs for growth and this is the reason that she is hungry. She needs calm and rest between short exercise sessions. If you carry on with your current regime, not only is there the potential for joint problems, you run the risk of behaviour problems. Calmness needs to be taught and encouraged. Follow Nikki-red's advice re KC guidelines. Next, choose a better quality food if possible. Look for something that has a named meat source at the top of the list of ingredients. If the word 'derivatives' is mentioned, put the food back on the shelf. The ingredient list should be crystal clear so you know exactly what you are feeding your dog. Look for circa 30% protein or more and a minimum of 14% fat.
  21. Contact either Cats Protection or Rain Rescue = Rain have been running a programme about neutering and speying very recently.
  22. A dog's interest in food is piqued by aroma; this is probably why dogs are enthusiastic about home cooked food. Suitable toppers might help e.g. fish, sardines, maybe a little cooked, warm minced beef. From Grass to Grass-Fed Steak… What Can Dogs Really Taste? may be helpful. Alternatively, wet food is sometimes useful for fussy eaters. There are increasing numbers of good quality wet foods coming onto the market and they are usually high in fat and protein so the dog with a poorer appetite can get it's nourishment with a smaller amount. If you want some suggestions, go to the Dog Food Directory and select wet food under the filters section. Also move the rating slider to 4-5 stars and it will bring up the better products in the results. Some, e.g. Naturediet can be warmed. Not sure, but Forthglade might be another wet food that can be warmed. Some fussy dogs find cold pressed food acceptable. The quantity required is small because it is dense/heavy. It can be softened with warm (never boiling water) to the consistency of your choice. General management you probably know about but here are a few suggestions: No treats. Weigh the food so that you know exactly how much he is having and be realistic about quantity - some dogs simply don't require large portions. Take food up after 15 minutes. Feed small, frequent meals (3/4 per day). Place the food in a quiet, private place and leave the dog alone to eat. Don't swap and change food. Consider warming the food to release the aroma. Try not to be anxious about the issue because it can transmit to the dog. To improve the flora in the gut it might be worth trying a canine specific pre/probiotic e.g. Bionic Biotic. Check the dog's teeth and gums to make sure there is nothing that might be preventing him from enjoying food.
  23. It is possible for dogs to step out of them. The scanario is that the dog puts it's head down, the harness upper slides over the head and the dog steps out of it. I've seen it and I know of other owners who have had this happen to their dogs. You can buy an additional Y piece which might make it safer. Also consider whether the dog would like to have the weight and size of the pad on it's shoulders which is subject to constant movement. The Perfect Fit is a more secure harness. However, I wonder if dogs are more comfortable in harnesses that are relatively lightweight. Perhaps some dogs feel restricted in a harness and prefer collar and lead.
  24. Your dog is very young and it will pay dividends in terms of health and longevity to select a good product. As the previous poster has said, look at that website - it has loads of information. It's best to spend some time studying this yourself rather than ask other folk. They may know less about the matter than you. Look for food that has a named meat source at the top of the list of ingredients. The more meat, the better the product. For a pup you need at least 30%. Avoid anything with the word 'derivative' in the ingredient list. Also avoid red ingredients such as maize, wheat, salt. You can filter red ingredients out using the aforementioned Dog Food Directory filters. Supermarkets generally sell poor dog food with the exception of a very few products so source your food from an independent pet supplies shop if possible.
  25. Having a play friend for your dog is a good idea but it would pay you to separate the play from the walking. Your dog is at the age where establishing good manners on the lead should be the goal and this is best done by one to one training. Having another dog along could be a distraction, not least because it is likely to remove your concentration from the task in hand. Good lead walking is really important for you in particular because this type of dog can be boisterous, big and strong. Read up all you can about loose lead walking and put the work in asap - it can take time but will pay huge dividends in the years to come.
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