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  1. I am becoming increasingly frustrated as every time I attempt free motion machine embroidery my thread breaks. I have tried absolutely everything. Feed dogs are down, machine threaded correctly and tension correct. Using embroidery needle and embroidery foot. I do not know what I am doing wrong but obviously I am. Please can anyone help?
  2. Recommendations please for the best dog harness for a dog that is likely to slip off an unsecure harness and pulls like mad!
  3. I put it on their FB page and tweeted them without a response. As I actually didn’t see a crime committed I didn’t feel a 111 call was appropriate. However, as suggested I have now emailed SCC parks dept.
  4. I wonder if you’re thinking of the picnic area where there’s a gate? I don’t know if it closes or at what time but if it does close it must be when it goes dark. There are definitely gangs of youths up there most evenings at around 7:00 pm because I am always there at that time.
  5. There have been many cars with teenagers descending on Limb Lane field in Dore at around 6:30 every evening. Chasing each other in their cars around the carpark, loud music , hooting horns, flashing head lights etc, Many disappearing into the adjacent wood. Am sure they are drug dealers but can’t prove it. Then leaving broken glass around the carpark. People walk their dogs here. One of them had a ring pull imbedded in their paw. What to do ? They are not actually breaking law but obvs up to no good!
  6. Hi Janus, Holly is an English Pointer cross.
  7. Hi again, I have just reread my original post and thought I’d give an update on her progress. Holly will now run in and out of the house at will. She doesn’t like the wind or rain so chooses to shelter in the house. If she is already in the house comes to have her harness and lead on to go for a walk. However she still won’t come into the house if I call her. If I need her to come in I am still carrying her which isn’t doing my back any good! She loves going for a walk and I can let her off the lead on the big field. Interestingly she is a completely different dog outside. She goes up to people and other dogs wanting to play. Running after a ball etc. However back in the house all she does is sleep and doesn’t interact at all. Very strange!
  8. My rescue dog is from a PTS pound in Serbia. She is 20 mths old and I’ve had her for 3 months. Although she has made some progress it is very slow. I am now becoming increasingly frustrated by the fact she’ll only come into the house for food and then runs back out again. I am having to carry her into the house to put her harness on for a walk and then again at night for bed time. She loves the garden and would just stay there if I let her. She comes to me if I am in the garden but not if I call her from the house. I am worried if I have done the right thing adopting her. Please has anyone any advice?
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