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  1. Walked past it last night - did not seem busy for a new restaurant on a Friday night!
  2. The Beer House on Eccy road has been open a good few years and usually seems busy? Ale Club down the road also seems quite popular?
  3. I was down there the other Saturday and it seemed busy enough to me! Might be student dependent though...
  4. Since it's you Mooks we'll permit a none - Sheffielder!
  5. I went in for a quick half and some lunch with a pal - it looks a lot better and the outside seating area is now rather nice. The food was quite expensive for what it was (a burger) but it was very tasty. It was absolutely boiling so I just had some kind of lager but it seemed to do the trick albeit not served in the right kind of glass. Definitely worth a visit. Has anyone been in Blues since it changed from SouthSea? It has great reviews but I've not managed it yet! Looks interesting!
  6. Uncle Sams on Eccy Road has been around since the 70s!
  7. If you want to know for certain it's best to get them verified by a professional. This will increase the resale value with the certification. Members of AFTAL (Autograph Fair Trade Association) will be able to help you, this can sometimes be done just by sending a photograph of the signature. They usually do this for a relatively small fee. Good luck!
  8. Imagine what these drunk yobbos will do if it actually comes home... or maybe worse, if it doesn't!
  9. There are quite a few lead generation sites that removal companies use. mybigmove.co.uk and anyvan.co.uk to name a couple! I wouldn't advise google pay per click for removals as it is very competitive and expensive. Is there someway you could get a referral scheme with an estate agent? Take a look at https://blog.invoiceberry.com/2013/10/top-35-uk-business-directories-get-small-business-noticed/ for lots of free directories you can sign your business up to. Good luck!
  10. I'm not sure if it's because you're still working on the website or not, but none of the navigation links work. Also from the homepage I don't know where you are based, make sure your address is very easy to find. But I do like how easy it is to understand what services you provide, it's a great start! Good luck with it all!
  11. Not sure if it's too awkward for you to get to but The Brothers Arms in Heeley often have bands on during the week!
  12. The burgers there were decent and the beer was okay, but it just needed to be a bit better (plastic cutlery etc), especially when compared to the York just next door! It's a shame and I hope it sorts itself out!
  13. Local band The Swing Town Cats will be playing The Brothers Arms in Heeley on Thursday 24th May at around 8pm. They are a swing band covering a range of upbeat music from jazz classics to modern tunes with a twist, as well as some innovative originals. It's free entry to the gig and we'd love to see you there! If you'd like to hear some of their music check them out at https://www.theswingtowncats.co.uk/ Thanks!
  14. We used to watch matches there when we were at school. Got free tickets at the time! You're making me want to revisit!
  15. Make sure you check your email and bank - a friend of mine was kicked off the website during the payment process and told their order had failed. A day later they received confirmation of their order by email and money was taken out of their bank. Ended up with two lots of tickets!
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