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John Dory

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Everything posted by John Dory

  1. If dispatched quickly and humanely I haven't a problem, the countryside is teaming with wild rabbits. http://www.countryfile.com/countryside/truth-about-rabbit
  2. Very saddened to hear this, I always thought the lads there were very helpful and always had time for a chat about venues, methods etc.
  3. I've got a B'twin Triban 3 from Decathlon, it's got some great reviews which made me purchase one last year.
  4. I often see him on South Road. I was in Betfred a month or so ago and he came in with his ghetto blaster playing Top Of The World by The Carpenters, made me smile.
  5. Likewise I'd not had it for years but I gave it a go a couple of years ago and it's something we now have quite often, particularly over the winter months. This is good recipe. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/recipes/papardelle-with-oxtail-ragu-1832816.html
  6. What a ridiculous thing to say, posts like yours remind me why I don't come on this forum very often.
  7. Just opened my back door and I can hear it again up here in Walkley.
  8. Up here in Walkley it sounded like the police helicopter hovering low somewhere down in the Penistone Road area.
  9. From Shalesmoor to the bottom of Leppings Lane must make it the longest flat bit of road in the city.
  10. Where did you get mixed feedback on this? Cobden View Road in Crookes seems like a nice road to me, I've not heard anything about high rates of robbery and vandalism though.
  11. Spot on JFK, I like the man, he's intelligent and sincere and I think he's done the best with the limited resources on offer.
  12. I'm not sure about that but after ten minutes into the game he had a right lather on, he looks unfit at the moment.
  13. I agree, he looks like he's carrying a few extra pounds.
  14. You've got to be having us on surely, Do you seriously believe that people without a job should die?
  15. Good tackle shop, the staff there are always friendly unlike at the bigger shops like Climax and Fishing Republic
  16. He's still around, nice bloke is Tony. He drives a car these days which is probably why you've not seen him on the bus for a while.
  17. Has anyone on here been to Ottawa? My wife has family over there and we've been told we can go over anytime, the fishing certainly looks good.
  18. The likes of Beecroft have wealth that most of us can only dream of, but he still thinks it is fair game to financially rape people. It's a damning indictment of the sort of society we now live in.
  19. Pulled the shutters down a few months ago, someone told me the landlord had upped the rent and they pulled out.
  20. Didn't it used to be a department store at some point? I remember being taken there for some clothing a couple of times when I was young around the late 70's.
  21. I know what I'd put my money on. http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/24500000/Fox-fox-24576824-1897-1292.jpg
  22. What a disgraceful rag the Sun is, but it's no surprise coming from a paper who's owner is deemed unfit to run a company. I wish Roy Hodgson all the best, he's a decent bloke and there aren't many of them around in the game at the top level these days.
  23. How far are you going back Fudbeer? I liked it late 80's early 90's.
  24. After reading this, http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2010/oct/26/weils-disease-andy-holmes I think he'd be better off going down to the local pool for a swim.
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