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Norbert last won the day on December 28 2022

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About Norbert

  • Birthday October 7

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    Above the smog line
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  1. That's what appeared to happen with my dad, they gave him control over the morphine pump and either his illness or the morphine did for him, hard to say.
  2. Indeed, anything before 7pm is unseemly in my opinion.
  3. 'Truth tellers', 'a Prophet'. LOL Coleman was a crank well before his appearances in the media, that's why he was in the media, that and the relentless self promotion. He's a grifter like Icke.
  4. Death threats are all too common, MPs, meteorologists, celebrities, councillors, almost anybody in the public eye, we can't all be going round making public statements about every death treat in the news. Or maybe we do but nobody cares to report them. What a bizarre argument argument you are pursuing.
  5. Walked down the Moor the other day, the beggars are far less annoying than the chuggers, who follow you and try not to take no for an answer. Saw 3 police walking or standing in my 10 minutes there.
  6. First trip to dentist aged about 4, no explanation of the rubber mask and sweet smelling gas they knocked you out with, it was rather horrible. But the intoxicated feeling you got after was fun and probably set me up for a lifetime of recreational drug ab(use). Then in my 20's the dentist seemed to give me root canal and posts at the drop of a hat and I became very suspicious of over-treatment. Hardly been in 30 years and despite the front ones being fine, I feel the back ones will tumble like a house of cards at any moment. No more boiled sweets for me.
  7. First few episodes were gripping, then it all went to pot imho. During episode 1 I said if this all finishes with the train stopping a few feet from the bumpers in London I'll be very annoyed, anyway it's worse than that.
  8. Am I right in thinking you're not far from Sydney? Crikey it must be 5am there now. Sunset in the summer at 7pm seems brutal, workers don't get much light if they leave at 5pm, I guess barbies are at the weekend. Tbh it wasn't a great summer here, we didn't get to eat in the garden much, I do enjoy watching the swallows circle until after 9pm, but there's always next year. Fancy a month's house swap?
  9. Had covid 2 weeks ago, very mild, was able to carry on with everything except socialising. This week I've got the cold that's going round, it's horrible.
  10. They are the things that as you say keep me going, there's plenty of stress to deal with too, the last 10 years of looking after mother has pushed me to the brink on occasion, and I have to be very frugal until the pensions kick in. Cheers mate x
  11. Music is the main thing that keeps me going, listening to and playing music. Am in an original band and a covers band, the biggest pleasure is coming up with parts and arrangements for original songs, but it’s great to play some of one’s personal favourites too. I played a gig last week that gave me one of the most profound highs in years, even though it was pretty low key. The passing of the seasons is sustaining, the first snowdrops, then the daffodils and wild garlic, then planting your own stuff especially tomatoes, Then comes summer and eating outside, autumn and the leaves turning and the mushrooms coming out. Then winter and stars, snow and cosiness. Cooking and eating. Finding new or perfecting old recipes, a great source of pleasure 3 times a day. Learning new things, I must have done the majority of The Great Courses and The Teaching Company stuff, from particle physics to religions of the axial age, it makes you feel nothing is beyond you and that you can keep up with what’s happening. A beautiful and admirable partner of 40 years, our shared interests (travel, history, the cat, in-jokes) Wish it could go on for ever.
  12. I'm not planning on running the country, so it's irrelevant. But Deputy Inspector of something in the Civil Service
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