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  1. Hardly. Between 2005 and 2018, 548 pedestrians on pavements were killed by vehicles. Of the 548, 6 were killed by cyclists.
  2. Given the dangerous, inconsiderate and arrogant driving on the roads, I think cyclists should be given the benefit of the doubt and be allowed to use pavements at their discretion.
  3. What a bunch of snowflake bedwetters there are on this thread. Well done the protesters for bringing it out in you all. What do we want - Protests, when do we want 'em - Now.
  4. Because the right wing media and their shills tell them they should be, so they can go on to monetise them.
  5. I smoked between 16 and 52ish. It's an absolute mugs game, pure slavery to addiction. The negative health outcomes are outrageous and unaffordable. Far worse than drink driving which is rightly banned. Should we repeal the drink driving laws?
  6. Have just listened to 2/3 of the Sheffield Gaumont1966 recording on YouTube. I hear it's very well reviewed but am underwhelmed, and the harmonica playing is just awful, pi**taking in places (as ever). Am hoping for good things for the last 35 minutes with the backing band tho. https://youtu.be/kbiNAEJopKE?si=eTyLMoQ4A59W6KQp T'other week I listened to some live c1974 stuff and his voice and timing was just superb, with Scarlett Riviera on violin.
  7. A bitter and unnecessary comment I feel. Why not tell us about the excess drinking habits of yourself and your friends?
  8. Enough about your job as a top architect, how did you do in English?
  9. I've bought 3 bag of potting compost and built a mini greenhouse for the seedlings.
  10. I meant Padders, I'm not sure you've ever written a paragraph. No offence meant.
  11. Surely you got a good mark for creative writing?
  12. When I lived on one I approached a farmer with a field adjoining the canal and said how much to moor here half the year, all I need to do is walk across the field and through the gate to the road? We agreed on about £700 a year. The rest of the year I moved about, you could stay at any public mooring for 2 weeks for nothing. There was an annual fee for using canals, that was a bit more but not eye watering. Electricity came from a wind generator and the engine when moving charging up leisure batteries. Heat from coal, Gas from large bottles. It all came to much less than I was renting the house out for.
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