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Agent Smith

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Everything posted by Agent Smith

  1. I'm sorry, but that's utter nonsense!! I've had my windows fitted by Warwick, and have never met a friendlier set of people, and a most efficient service. The windows have been A1 quality ever since having them installed, 6 years ago. I'd recommend them!
  2. Hi, try a company called Windowcare in Rotherham, the telephone number is 01709 552288 and they specialise in fitting new handles and lock sets. If you ask for Steve, he'll be able to help you out. If he asks you where you heard of them from, just say Steve from Warwick told you. He's a very knowledgeable chap and should be able to sort it for you. Hope this helps.
  3. I use this method for a good sauce base, and it produces what I would call a good amount of sauce, and is absolutely authentic. You need, one small/medium sized onion per person, half a head of garlic per person, and half an inch of root ginger per person. What you do is, chop everything up coarsely, put in a large pan, and just fry gently in ghee or butter or sunflower oil, until all the onions, garlic and ginger are soft. When finished let the mixture cool for 10 minutes, and then add it all to a blender, with a little hot water, and blend to a smooth consistency. This makes a wonderful base for all your curries. Just add this to your per-sauteed meat/fish, vegetables and spices of your choice, and trust me, it's as good as Indian Restaurant cooking. If you want something with a tomato slant, then just add chopped tomatoes if you want texture, or passata if you want smooth. If you're cooking a Korma type curry, you don't need to add tomatoes, just use different spices, to give that sweeter taste. Hope this helps!!!
  4. I still don't see any evidence of your privacy being breached there. That article seems more like sensationalist scaremongering to me. I suppose in a way, that's it's down to what you personally believe is a breach of privacy or not. It doesn't bother me, that they collate info. on errors thrown up on Vista, or the web-sites I visit etc etc., but I suppose it may bother some. Again, as long as I'm just a statistic and not a name who they can contact and say "You've been a bad lad", then I really have no problem with it. To me, your privacy remains intact, as long your personal details are not touched. As an example, I don't consider, Vista, sending and collating error messages to Microsoft, an invasion of my privacy. Frankly, I don't expect Microsoft to come knocking at my door, anytime soon and say "you're nicked son". The system doesn't work like that, and I still don't see any evidence that it does.
  5. All that means is that when you first switched your router on it "synced" with your local exchange at a given speed, given your line statistics at that time of day. As the day moves on and turns to night, interference on your line increases, and the rate at which your router "synced" initially, may have become unstable at that speed. So, when you rebooted the router later on, it will have automatically re-connected at a lower but more stable speed, given your lines statistics/condition, at that particular instance. This can sometimes be the case, when you are a fair way from your local exchange, and your line noise levels are more critical to your speed and viability, than when you are closer to your local exchange.
  6. Give us some evidence of that then. What level of privacy are you talking about? One could argue, that everytime you use the internet, no matter what OS you use, your presence is there to be found. That's not specific to Vista.
  7. Hi Jackie!!, I don't know if you remember me, but I certainly remember you!! My names Steve and I used to go out with Shirley Freeman (for about 7 years) around the end of the 70's, start of the 80's!! I used to have a moustache, hair like Phil Lynott, and I'm quite tall!! I'm in one of those photos, that's on this thread. We were always in the Wap, or Penthouse (Rebels), or later, boozing with my mates. Yes, they were good times...... Do you see anything of Shirley Freeman? I haven't seen her for about 5 or 6 years. Last time I saw her she was working at Boots (Chemist) at Meadowhall. She seemed well enough. Slightly aggressive as usual!! She said that she was still living at Stannington, but I haven't bumped into her since. Speak to you later, Steve. :cool:
  8. While I concede your point, you can sometimes find cheap "gems", and expensive doesn't always guarantee reliability and quality either.
  9. Well, Warwick fitted my windows, and did a really first class job. I can't praise them enough. Apparently, you can also just buy the windows from Warwick and get them fitted yourself, or get your own fitters, whatever...... Their phone number is 0114 257 1200. I can't comment too much about KB, but I was always led to believe that they were ahem "cough", somewhat unprofessional.......
  10. Try Warwick Developments at Ecclesfield. A family run company, established for over 25 years. Good quality, cheap and reliable.
  11. So, let me get this right. By implication, if anyone agrees with you, they are super intelligent, and if somebody disagrees with you, they are sheep-like? That's classic, "I'm never wrong" rationalisation. I actually do understand what you're trying to say, but I don't agree with any of it. I am not a sheep. I am not following along with anybody else, I just purely and simply, disagree with you. So don't insult my intelligence by calling me a sheep, or any other animal. You have no right to insult people in this way, just because they disagree with you. I'm not insulting you, all I'm saying is that I disagree with you and I'm not a sheep. I'm a person with my own mind.
  12. It's just gossip mate! Try reading the court report for the REAL facts behind the case, unless of course you're convinced that the judge is lying. Really, do you just not like Paul McCartney or something?? In the court report it states that there is only one "gagging" order, and that was attempted to be introduced by HM!! Thats fact, not some gossip from members of HM's family, who are bound to stick up for her, aren't they!! Just read the court report and get a hold of the true facts, because you're just making yourself look daft. Here's the link to the report: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/bsp/hi/pdfs/18_03_08_mccartney_mills.pdf Do yourself a favour, read the report!!!
  13. Now who's generalising? Just because a person doesn't agree with your point of view, it doesn't mean that their opinion means nothing, and neither does it neccessarily mean that it comes from the Daily Mail!! After reading one or two of your posts, I think you need to come down from that high horse of yours... Anyway, moving on...... Here's my opinion for what it's worth, there are good children and bad children. There are more good children than bad children, but the number of bad/naughty children seems to be rising all the time. I don't know the absolute cause for this, but poor parenting, I suspect, is partly the cause. I say SEEMS, because I don't have any hard evidence, it's merely my perspective from the information that my senses and brain have accumulated from various different sources. Oh, just to stop any kind of confusion, I don't read any of the Tabloids, in fact I don't read any Newspaper of any kind. Thanks.
  14. It depends how quick you want the PC. If you want it NOW then go to PC World/Currys. My only gripe with them is that I find their PC's and other hardware, expensive compared to on-line prices, but I do find them handy if i need something quick. If you want to buy on the internet try:- http://www.ginger6.com/ Very reasonable prices, and they will customise your PC for you.
  15. Yes, I think that life definately exists, somewhere else in the universe. Now, whether that life is intelligent or not is another question!!!! I would say, that there is every chance of intelligent life forming and evolving somwhere else in the universe, but my own guess is that intelligent life is a very rare and precious thing. On Earth, it has been a very, very unique set of circumstances that has seen intelligent life evolve, and I don't think that you'd get these circumstances, very often. On the other hand, I would say, that simple life-forms (eg. bacterium, single-celled life) will be quite common, and as we (hopefully) expand outwards from Earth, we will find this kind of life in all kinds of strange places.
  16. Yeah, without a doubt!!! It's always been a dream of mine, to go into space, walk on the moon etc.!!!!
  17. How come you can't connect it up then? Just read the instructions for your tv and xbox, this should give you your answer. Your tv obviously doesn't have a component connection, the connection you told us about is a COMPOSITE connection, which is completely different. So it looks like you're going to have to connect via HDMI, that's assuming your xbox has got this type of output.
  18. I've noticed exactly the same kind of thing!!! I've had more "offers" since I've been married, than I ever did when I was single. The thing is now that I am happily married, I don't go out chasing women, I just go out for a chat with my mates and a couple of beers! I don't actively seek to chat up!! I think it must be the biology thing, married or "taken" men must unconciously give out signals that they are in a relationship, which implies stability and security and all the other traits that women find attractive in men. I think with women it works unconciously as well, I don't think they realise what it is that attracts them, on a concious level.
  19. What's that got to do with it? I was replying to and about a specific occurrence, I wasn't talking about anybody else. All I'm saying is that we shouldn't jump to conclusions about this old fella. My grandfather talks to people in florid tones, that doesn't mean to say he's a pervert. If you want to have a go at me, fine, but at least be reasoned, not flippant...
  20. I hear it's been "pineing" for the fjords......... Be careful, anybody who goes to see it, Norwegian Blue's, stun easily...........
  21. Rubbish!! My grandfather who is 85, talks to all adults and kids in this kind of florid language. He is definately NOT a pervert!! This is the way people used to talk to each other, years ago, when there was no fear of being misunderstood, and people interacted with each other far more than we do now. It's very sad that we can't trust each other, anymore, I honestly think it's the lack of face to face social interaction that does it. ie. too much time spent in front of computers, texting on mobile phones etc. We've become a fearful and paranoid society.
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