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Everything posted by metalman

  1. Just hang them in a tree and wait for the Tour de France to come back.
  2. It appears that there's now an Instagram group dedicated to Ofo bike spotting in Sheffield.
  3. I've got some of his stuff, it's really good. Don't find it going cheap very often though.
  4. Zoe's Tale by John Scalzi. This is another instalment of his series that started with Old Man's War, and it's a bit unusual in that it documents the same events as the previous book in the series, The Last Colony, but seen through the eyes of a different character. Not entirely sure it works as well as the other books because you already know what's coming, but he's always an entertaining writer to read so it's not a great hardship so far. I remember years ago reading a set of three books by Oliver Onions where he did a similar sort of thing with three different characters and there are probably other examples too.
  5. The only couple of times I've been to the walk-in centre, I walked in.
  6. Never really one of my favourites, but they did one or two good songs. My main memory of Ray Thomas is that he was doing a fantastic impersonation of Michael Palin on the clip of Question (I think it was) that they showed on Sounds of the Sixties.
  7. To be honest it's this that puts me off - giving my credit card details to a Chinese company - how do you know how secure they are? I'm not that keen on giving them to UK companies either.
  8. Just finished Dennis Lehane's Shutter Island, a clever psycho-thriller which successfully pulls the wool over your eyes. Now onto supposedly lighter fare with Richmal Crompton's William the Detective, only to find half way through that William has a go at becoming a Nazi stormtrooper and tries to drive out an old Jewish sweetshop owner. Apparently this story has been removed from later editions...
  9. Crikey, that's all three original members gone in the space of a couple of years. Actually before someone pedantic points it out, he wasn't an original member. I should say members of the most successful line-up perhaps.
  10. It does depend a lot on the CD player. I had a really good one that would play anything until the transport mechanism broke; the one I've got now isn't quite so keen on scratched ones, but those that don't play in the CD player will often play OK in my Mac.
  11. There's one in Wombwell as well, it was mentioned on here so I went to have a look. It's not easy to find but i think it was on something called Providence terrace or suchlike. It had a reasonable selection of vinyl and CDs.
  12. Have you got the other HIA/Biosphere collaboration, Birmingham Frequencies? That's pretty good too.
  13. Each to his own - I read tons of detective fiction but I've never read a Le Carre either. I guess spying just doesn't interest me that much. Must admit I do have several books with tea shop in the title, but they're all things like Tea Shop Walks in the Peak District and so on. I'm just finishing off Borne by Jeff Vandermeer. He's clearly a man at the top of his game at the moment and this is as good, and as strange, as anything he's done before (though without any intelligent fungoids, at least not yet). If I say that the starting point is that a woman plucks a blob of anonymous protoplasm from the fur of the giant flying bear that terrorises their decaying city and brings it up as ... something called Borne, then it will sound completely daft, but there's more to it than that and I get the feeling that nobody will turn out to be exactly what I think they are even at this late stage.
  14. Somebody should do a follow-up called 111 Places in Sheffield that you shouldn't go to. Probably rather easier than the first one...
  15. If you went last week you got some £5 vouchers for their store in Cowley Road (is it?) for the duration of the closure. The one that's caught us out this week has been Sainsbury's closing at 8 every night. Edit: Catley Road, apparently, not Cowley.
  16. Carbon Based Lifeforms - Derelicts (new album from Swedish ambient trancers) Pete Namlook and Klaus Schulze - Dark side of the Moog III (more ambient) Pete Namlook and Higher Intelligence Agency - S.H.A.D.O. (Namlook's ambient combined with HIA's bouncier rhythmic style - once of the best albums on Fax in my view) Sleep - Jerusalem (stoner/doom metal - one of the pioneers of the genre)
  17. Must have been some game with both managers losing their jobs afterwards...
  18. And he's gone!!! Garry Monk from Boro that is. All very strange. At least according to the BBC.
  19. I did notice that they haven't repainted the lines on the road after it was resurfaced. They also put those cables across the road to monitor traffic. Maybe they've decided they're not needed.
  20. I usually listen to it while I'm doing some work at home, so basically every evening and most of the weekend.
  21. The Chap - Mega breakfast (quirky art-rock) Faun - Midgard (mediaevil pagan folk from Germany. They use old style instruments of the Germanic and Nordic regions, except for the bloke in a top hat who plays that most non-mediaevil of instruments, an Apple laptop. Get a taste here) Pete Namlook and Tetsu Inoue - Shades of Orion (superior ambient)
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