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websters gue

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Everything posted by websters gue

  1. That had me scrambling for the league table and your right,it's certainly going to be interesting next Sunday afternoon.I'll be wondering around the house like a caged tiger and it aint going to help my blood pressure.
  2. This is a good thread,it's restored my faith in the forum.
  3. Outside,I'm going to bed,I'll leave you to find another spine to shiver up.
  4. Have you considered changing your username to THE PATRON SAINT OF MUMBO JUMBO because I have not got the foggiest what you are on about.Explain why I have no sense today?What is the futile philosophy I that believe in?.
  5. Mr NM,you should change you username to THE PATRON SAINT OF CATASTROPHE.You remind me of my youth when I used to go to Bramall lane for the football and a bloke used to walk up and down John street with a placard claiming the END IS NIGH.Stop being so bloody daft.
  6. Bassett got sent from the touchline;Blake,Hodges and Hartfield got sent off and some bloke called Kozminski got sent off for Udinese.Strange game that one.
  7. I remember the home game agaisnt Udinese,I can't find the words to describe it. Italians.
  8. Don't try and kid us,you're not here to exchange decent views.Your here solely to antagonize and stir things with anyone that does'nt share your opinions.
  9. You've quoted youself pal,not me.Anyway enough of your gobbledegook,let people get this thread back on track like the bloke above is doing.
  10. Well done lad, there's not many of you around. A Blade who has scored in Europe! I wish you could had given Sepp Blatter, the same treatment as Lynn whilst you were there. Last edited by geocol; Yesterday at 22:48. Make your mind up pal.
  11. I don't remember that game but I've got a good idea what I was doing.I was courting a lass called Lynn at the time,the last I heard she was in the Luzern institute for nymphomaniac disorders in Switzerland.Anyway I scored more than you lot that day and the following season we did the double over you.Oh happy days indeed.
  12. I was very disappointed with the performance last night but there could still be a twist providing we win our two remaining games. Preston need to win at St Andrews on Saturday to stand any chance of getting into the play offs and if Reading lose at Norwich then they will need something agaisnt Birmingham on the last day providing Preston at least get a point.I said back in January though that Swansea would go up and I've still got a suspicion that they might sneak into the play offs at the last minute and we all know what happens to teams that do this.
  13. Well done to the Clarets,the best side won.Do the coaching staff at the Lane tell our players that the ball contains a stick of dynamite therefore its important to get rid of it quickly.What a load of rubbish,it's just like watching a poor Wimbledon team from the early 90's.
  14. It's Morton for me,I remember trying to find out where they came from when I was young.I found Greenock on the map and realised it was a port and the first photo of Cappielow park that I saw had a dock crane in the background.I've liked them ever since.Up the Ton!
  15. ........................................
  16. No,don't try and do it in one sitting.I'd watch a episode every other night at most.This will give you time to figure things out.
  17. Best teacher,Mr Warburton,Sharrow lane junior.The worst teacher ever also worked at this school,Blackwell a complete and utter w*****.A disgrace to teaching.
  18. Michael Winner,Mark Thatcher,Jeremy Clarkson and stand still while I shiver up your spine,John Redwood.I'd like to put them on a desert island inhabited by cannibalistic pygmies who hav'nt had fresh meat for ten years.
  19. It's always been overrated in my opinion,I'd sooner go fishing.
  20. I get the Green'un probably once a month these days.It amazes me that I can't get it before 7:00pm on a Saturday where as twenty five years ago I used to que up outside a newsagents at ten to six waiting for it to arrive at six or a few minutes after.It was a highly valued paper when I was a kid and the late Tony Pritchett used to write about the Blades. I know things have moved on but I used to love buying a Green'un and having a quiet pint whilst looking at the league tables,scores,scorers and attendances etc.It's not the same to me doing this any other way.
  21. I always take a book into the toilet with me,either a Sky sports football yearbook or Playfair cricket annual.I've always found reading stats relaxing and a aid to bowel movement.When I was a kid I had a mate who's dad used to go tut lav with a cup of tea and a fag.
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