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websters gue

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  1. I went fishing with a couple of mates on the Chesterfield canal at West Stockwith about thirty years ago and we popped into a pub overlooking the marina for a pint afterwards and noticed loads of people stood by the Trent. We asked what they were doing and we were told they were waiting for the Aeger. We waited for around twenty minutes and witnessed it ourselves and it was quite impressive.
  2. I put some Pentland Javelin first early potatoes in today. I put them in a raised bed and I’ll put a cover over them if there’s a risk of frost.
  3. I went to the garden centre today for a browse and bought some seeds: beetroot, carrot, cabbage and cucumber. I’m going to sow the latter two indoors this week.
  4. I was chatting to someone in Asda this afternoon who told me what had gone on. We occasionally got a curry on a Friday or Saturday evening from there but we won’t be in future.
  5. I was at that game, February 1989. Norwich had a decent side and were in the top four in the old first division at the time whilst we were in the old third. Dale Gordon and Robert Fleck are two names that spring to mind.
  6. Chaos in Dover at the moment. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/port-of-dover-easter-holiday-delay-p-o-ferries-dfds-seaways-france-uk-travel-news-b1071580.html
  7. I’ve got a mate who was in the army who was close to shooting Paisley in the 90’s. It was marching season and the Loyalists were rioting after being banned from marching through a Nationalist area, the army took a couple of days to quell the violence at which point Paisley showed up with his soap box and it all kicked off again after he disappeared.
  8. I sow mine directly in April, get yourself to Wilko for these. https://www.wilko.com/wilko-carrot-royal-chantenay-3-seeds/p/0447759?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_pmGtbqQ_QIVmsvtCh2PkwBwEAQYAiABEgJ73_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  9. Good advice, I’d also start by growing short-rooted varieties like chantenay. I grow my carrots in raised beds or containers to avoid carrot fly as well.
  10. Waterall’s in the Moor market do a decent thick tomato sausage.
  11. I’ve never heard of him, when I saw the thread title I thought it was about the bloke who opened a brewery in Tadcaster.
  12. Never liked them since 93/94 when they fiddled that match against Wimbledon. Kendall bought Ebbrell a few years later from Everton who was knackered and then sodded off back to Goodison Park with two of our best players, Tiler and Mitch Ward. I’d like to see them starting next season in the championship in their new ground.
  13. Going out for a few pints with my brother shortly, no doubt we’ll be ending the evening with a wee dram or two.
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