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Everything posted by FairyNormal

  1. He was on 25mg for 2 weeks and is on his 6th week at 50mg. I can't see any changes or improvements at all. He's had CBT but with almost no effect so that has now stopped but should be re-starting again soon with someone else. He's seen a psychotherapist (not sure what's happening there any more) and lots of other people but I am at a total loss as how to help him. If he was an adult he would be sectioned. If he was an older child in his teens he would probably end up in a unit such as Oakwood at the Northern General. As he is only 9, tough! There is nothing for young kids with bad mental health problems. The whole system sucks. Kids with mental health issues turn into adults with even worse problems.
  2. I wish it was JoeP but he's been like this for what seems like forever. It takes absolutely nothing (and everything) to make him scared. I know that mental health services for adults are pretty lacking but for children it's even worse. It's knowing who to turn to when you feel you are getting nowhere. I haven't got a clue.
  3. Does anyone have a child who suffers from an anxiety disorder or anything similar such as OCD? My lad is 9 and is in a terrible way at the moment. He is in a permanent state of fear and is scared of everything. If he eats something he has to check the date to make sure it's not gone off so he won't die and if someone else offers him something such as sweets he is convinced they have put poison in it. We went to the panto today and now he won't sleep as he is sure the baddie is coming to get him. He already thinks there is a man with a knife somewhere in the house and is constantly looking over his shoulder and checking the doors. Even when sat right next to me he jumps at every tiny noise, convinced that there is someone in the house trying to kill him. He cries all the time saying he hates his life and is really unhappy because of his anxiety. he is on medication (Sertraline) for his OCD but he is geting worse. I am going to call his doc tomorrow and see what they suggest. He had a major explosion on his second day back at school and is in serious trouble now. I am sure it's all connected as he really isn't well. We've been through the whole range of services from CAHMS to Shirle Hill Hospital but I feel like I am fighting this alone with him and don't know where to turn. Where do you go to get specialist mental health support for young children? Does anyone know or have experience of this? Any and all advice most gratefully received. Thanks
  4. We knew Ivan well as he lived on Bradfield Road opposite Regent Court Flats with his mother. He was (as was described in those days) mentally retarded. He was a big gentle giant and would never have hurt a fly but people were scared of him as in those day people like him were considered very odd and scary. His mother was devasted when he died.
  5. I went to St Johns then and remember those groups. Pathfinders went on a yearly camp to Criccieth in wales to meet up with other church youth groups. My older brother went several times. Did you know Malcom Drew? He was one of the leaders then.
  6. Hi I'm Sam 37 year old mum of 2 from Hillsborough. I used to write all the time : poems and short stories but due to extreme stress in my family life, this has sadly not been the case of late. I need something to stimulate my brain that will also give me something to do for myself. My only 'claim to writing fame' was being one of the infamous Kelvin Poets. Myself, petefcs and the much discussed Mozaz cobbled together a short collection of poems we'd all written about Kelvin Flats. It was self published and we sold every copy. We were minor celebs for a few weeks and you can still get hold of a copy in the library's local history section. I love books and my house is like a library although it does seem that most if the books I read these days are kids ones with my son. We are currently on the second of the Molly Moon books and would reccommend them to anyone with young kids! Well, that's me!
  7. I was one of the last residents there during the clearance programme. There's quite few old kelvinites on here who often reminisce about the good old days.
  8. I was in the back of a taxi on the way to a work meeting when the initial new flash came on the radio. It just said there had been a tragic accident and a plane had crashed into the tower. We commented how awful it was and went into the meeting. No-one there had heard anything. It wasn't until I came back from work and turned on the TV that I saw it. I sat stunned, in tears and the kids were terrified.
  9. I did I left in '85 and remember all those teachers. I think there is another similar thread on here somewhere about Myers if you search.
  10. I don't know about that but the comapny names Tripnile and Philip Fisher spring to mind.
  11. I grew up on there and my mum has some of the original brouchures etc. They were luxury flats when they were built with tennis courts and room service etc. Unfortunatley, the landlords (some very strict Jewish sect) failed to maintain them. When we first moved on there when I was a baby, Tony Christy lived next door!!! Are you wanting this info for a particular reason or just for your own curiosity? I could ask my mum as she is pretty knowledgeabe about the flats.
  12. Bi-Polar is a new fancy name for what used to be knowns as Manic Depression. It means cycling between extremely happy and bouyant to being very down, sad and desperate. If your partner has suffered from depression in the past and suspect he is now, maybe you could suggest he goes to see his doctor and offer to go with him. I hope thinsg improve for you both.
  13. My brother can unicycle. He used to ride round the city centre on his and juggle at the same time, sometimes with his pet rat sat on his head or shoulder! He also played unicycle hockey.
  14. I remember that too. Going to the park with my mum and brothers and having a great time. Seems so long ago now.
  15. I remember them in Hillsborough Park when I were a young 'un! Those were the days when the park was locked at night and the 'parkys' went round on their motorbikes kicking everyone out!! We got on ok with them and it was kind of reassuring to see them. Made you feel safe.
  16. I changed mine by common usage after my divorce. I just informed the relavent people (doctors, DHSS etc) and it never cost me a penny. That was14 years ago now and it's never been questioned.
  17. My mum was brought up in an orphanage until she was adopted when she was about 6 I think. The family who adopted her, well her new mums sister was in charge of all the childrens homes in Sheffield at the time. (or something like that) I'll ask my mum for some info. There was also a childrens home/orphanage in Hillsborough at the bottom of Minto Road. It's now P.A.R.K nursery. It was run by the Catholic Church.
  18. I grew up in Hillsborough but was only a very young kid in the 70's. I can remember some stuff though. Choices Video shop used to be the YEB shop and Legends Bar was a Timpsons Shoe Shop I think. Where the cafe is now, next to La Vida Loca (corner of Rudyard Road) used to be the first Tates Gallery shop and on the opposite corner or Rudyard Road was Langtons Shoe shop. They had some wonderful 'brother creeper' shoes in the window that I really loved (even though I am a girl) Langtons also had another shoe shop in what is now the clothes shop next to Wilkinsons. Wilkinsons was a Tescos in those days. On the corner of Taplin Road/Middlewood Road where the now empty Hairdresser is, was a butchers shop and further up Middlewood road, opposite the Co-op, there used to be a couple of 'barrows' selling fruit, veg and flowers. Parkers the Jewelers used to sell school uniform upstairs, those awful itchy wool school blazers!! I can't remember much else but what I do remember and always found quite odd, was the shops half day closing on a thursday afternooon!! I hope that jogs a few memories!
  19. I was one of the last tennants on Kelvin!! There were 3 of us left on the top floor (Edith Walk), me and my daughter and another bloke. I lived there for 8 years and was involved with the clearance programme. I loved the place and cried when I left. I kept my flat key and sneaked back before they fenced it all off. I went in my flat and the workmen had tipped all my furniture over and made a real mess. I tidied the flat up and sat there for ages. How sad is that eh?!! I have loads of photos which I did start uploading onto a website. Unfortunatley, life has got in the way so it's got pushed to one side lately. Anyway click HERE if you want to see what I started and will aim to finish one day!!!
  20. Yeah the skins used to hang around the Barrow Boys and the pub at the bottom of the road where the Cossack is (sorry can't remember pub or road name). Another favourite haunt was the gallery down at the markets. They'd stand there drinking cheap cider and then throw the bottles off, usually at the SWP paper sellers! I knew quite a few of them as I was a punk at the time. There was Adolf, Skinner, Briggsy, can't remeber any other names right now. I see Briggsy sometimes. He's a personal trainer now and does landscape gardening too. He's actually a really nice bloke who's 'grown up' ok!
  21. I'm not a council tennat but may give them a ring anyway . The last time I tried this I was told there was an 8 month waiting list for things to be collected. Hopefully this will have changed now!!
  22. I have 2 matresses, a single bed base and a washing machine to get rid of. What's my best option? Hire a small skip (what size and at what sort of price?) or get a bloke with a van to move it? Any suggestions as to cheap, reliable companies etc would be gratefully received. Thank you
  23. I occasionally went to The Seven Valleys Scooter Club which met at the Barrack Tavern on Penistone Road. My boyfriend at the time had an old Lambretta that we used to get around on. I was about 16/17 at the time.
  24. Yes so sorry to say. He was a top teacher. I was in all the school plays at Myers and he was the one who directed them along with Mr James and Mr Cooke (art teacher) did the scenery. We had some good laughs with him. Kept in touch after I left school and met up a couple of times. As far as I know, he had a heart attack.
  25. Sadly Mr Kearns the Drama/English teacher died a few years ago too. He was a real good laugh.
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