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  1. Like a lot of things / it was sold on convenience for the customer - pretty cool if you just needed some chewing gum or a paper. but that wasn’t the real reason - they wanted you to do some of the work they would normally have to pay someone for - for free. So the thin end of the wedge became a job for you to do in pretty much every mini supermarket in the country and a good proportion of the larger ones also.
  2. What happened that was so bad and how many different t social workers were involved ?
  3. Each to their own but i find it hard work these days. lots of posts just arguing over media stories designed to make people argue. bit tiresome.
  4. The score line flattered? I don’t know what game you were watching. wednesday had 30 attempts at goal in 90mins. Plymouth had 5 (of which was 1 was on target). Wednesday completely dominated throughout - the score line flattered Plymouth if anything.
  5. Can you give some specific examples of the supposed similarities?
  6. it’s hard work if you’re in that frame of mind. i struggle a lot with mental health - nothing too serious but i worry and whittle and overthink. if I do something completely different to my normal routine sometimes when I’m doing that I find myself thinking “what have you been worrying about you daft get” maybe just do something you’ve thought about doing and not done - a visit somewhere - a film - a walk somewhere. I know none of that’s a permanent fix or owt but might take edge off.
  7. St Vincent Catholic Church in crookes is relatively new
  8. I go through that most days and think they’ve done a decent job. not an easy job that with all the traffic management involved, difficult access and loads of other big construction jobs going on in the area. think they’ve done well.
  9. that’s the idea behind the scheme.
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