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About bungleboy69

  • Birthday December 19

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    Bungle impersonator

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  1. Arr. Most of it tastes absolutely terrible... don't know how anyone can drink Ruddles and some of that other cheap rubbish they push as part of their "Beer Festivals"
  2. I enjoy a pint of Moonshine at The Union in Nether Edge occasionally. Well kept by the landlord there. Also good at The Rising Sun at Nether Green. Some of my favourite breweries are Pollys, Wilde Child, Northern Monk, Brass Castle, Tiny Rebel and Vault City, but I'll try anything once if the style is appealing.
  3. Yer not missing out on much. As a young un, I only drunk them cos that's all there was. I definitely don't miss any of them.
  4. Good luck to them. Great venue, hope they can make it work.
  5. The Fat Cat was the real pioneer in the drive for decent beer in this fine city. Still a tremendous place for a booze.
  6. I drunk all of these 30 years ago, but can honestly say that I don't miss any of them. I'm more of an IPA style and sours guy these days with the odd stout when it's colder so times and taste change. I don't really want to be taken back to the old estate pubs I grew up in and The Stone House. I much prefer a micro-pub which has different beers on everytime I visit.
  7. I don't really understand why you'd kick everyone out and do a full refurbishment. Why not do a floor at a time or perhaps do in sections to minimise loss of revenue.
  8. https://www.thestar.co.uk/lifestyle/homes-and-gardens/sheffield-flats-flats-in-velocity-tower-go-on-sale-after-two-year-revamp-4687602
  9. Give me the Itchy Pig or The Union any day of the week... old school and decent beers.
  10. I'd quite happily go to Scotland and do the NC500. Ireland and do anywhere and Wales and do the west and south coast. I'd also do Norfolk, Suffolk, New Forest, Devon, Dorset, Northumberland, Cumbria, in fact anywhere. We don't really book anywhere and just check the forecast a week before. If UK weather is fine we'll stay here, if it's better on the continent, we'll cross the water and go on adventures over t' watter.
  11. Sounds interesting...look forward to giving it a try. Not bothered about cocktails, but the food bit sounds good. Hope they can have a couple of decent craft beers on too, location and view whilst enjoying a pint or three should be good.
  12. That sounds lovely too... My favourite Italian dish consists of pasta, garlic, olive oil and chillies. Simple ingredients, easy to make, cheap, but absolutely delicious.
  13. This sounds great. I'm all for live music events of all genres in our fine city, music absolutely being the focus. I've no interest in funfairs or cars. What I'd really love would be a Proms in the Park event running alongside the BBCs last night of the proms. Live bands and a huge screen with a connection to the Royal Albert Hall.
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